Do you tell people in your real life that you are trying to lose weight?

Do you find it motivates you to let people know you are working on your weight? I don't really talk about my weight or my goals to anyone. I really didn't even want to tell my husband I was trying to lose weight, but it is hard not to tell someone you live with that you are watching your weight when you are weighing your food before you eat it. Plus I have started exercising so there is no way he wouldn't know. I have found that coming on this community board and having friends on here is good motivation and I like to get ideas from others and talk about weight loss and ask questions with other people who are trying to lose weight, but in real life I don't want people asking me how it is going, or if I am still trying to lose especially people who are not also trying to lose weight. My husband is about to drive me crazy because he wants to tell people how much weight I have lost. So far I have lost 24 pounds and my goal is 60 pounds. So I am not even halfway to my goal. And he wants to tell people how much weight I have lost. He says he is just really proud of me. While that does make me happy, I don't want him volunteering that information. Am I just weird? I told him that if someone comments to him that I have lost weight I don't care if he tells them how much I have lost, but that I don't want him to just volunteer that information or post it on facebook or anything like that. I don't want people not to comment on my weight loss if they notice it, but I don't want people to know how hard I am trying and to know if I fail. Am I being unreasonable? Should I stop being so private about it? Do you find it helpful to tell others when you are trying to lose weight?


  • angelamichelle_xo
    angelamichelle_xo Posts: 646 Member
    eh sometimes. mostly i just say i need to pass my physical exam for police test and then they shut the heck up about it. i'm avg weight, so when people find out i am trying to lose they give me the stink eye.
  • whirlygigs4
    whirlygigs4 Posts: 6 Member
    Not really. The only time it comes up is when I say "I don't have enough calories for [insert food here]."

    I think telling people and sharing specific numbers would just add extra pressure to me. I keep it to myself.
  • JenniferLynWhatx
    JenniferLynWhatx Posts: 141 Member
    I tell my mom and my boyfriend so that when I lose I can tell someone ... And I like to check in at the gym on FB.
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    edited January 2016
    Nah. I don't want anyone giving me their (usually incorrect) diet advice. I'd rather just keep it to myself, especially as I don't really have much to lose - there just doesn't seem that much of a point.
  • SamathaDain
    SamathaDain Posts: 17 Member
    I usually don't talk about my weight with friends. I'm average weight so any time I talk about working out or I pass on dessert, a certain close friend of mine always has something negative to say. She's more into loving your body at the weight you are. Which is wonderful and I 100% agree, but I also want to be healthy. She will readily admit that she is a queen bee and therefor will never have a need to run or pick up anything over 20 lbs. She says there is no need for her to ever try to lose weight because she is perfectly happy in a size 18 and will never be any smaller. Again, great for her but not what I want for me. I have found so much more support here than in person.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    no. i didn't share with others i was losing weight. it doesnt make you strange. I play close the vest in my life too. In this world of "*kitten* share everything" yeah, you might feel like an oddball, but its not. I didn't want my family sharing my weight loss either. Like you, if people noticed and said something, fine. But to go announcing it willy-nilly gives me the heebie-geebies. On a site that focuses on weight loss/health/fitness/gains yes, it makes sense to share, i dont even really like having rl friends/family as friends on mfp, but I've allowed a few after they tracked me down, lol
  • dwulet130
    dwulet130 Posts: 108 Member
    My boyfriends knows, mostly because we live together and he sees me tracking. I go out to eat A LOT so a lot of my friends have heard me say "I'm watching what I'm eating" but they don't know I religiously count calories. They always respond with "but you're already thin" and I brush it off with "and I want to stay that way." They don't need to know about 6 pounds of gut I need to get lose.
  • hapa11
    hapa11 Posts: 182 Member
    I never mention it outside my house, and if someone comments that I've lost weight, I just smile and say yes, I have, thanks. If they ask how much, or how I did it I will tell them, but very basic information, like "I just started eating less and running." I think most of the people on these forums who complain that co-workers/friends are always telling them how to eat, or the right way to lose weight, etc. are the ones who make it a big deal in the first place. I've never had anyone be critical of my weight loss, because I don't present it something I want to give or receive advice about.
  • dgoode444
    dgoode444 Posts: 20 Member
    My cousin and I workout and plan our meals together which makes it so much easier on the days when I want to give up. It doesn't bother me what other people say because I am doing this so I can be healthy. If they care they will support me.
  • Remoth
    Remoth Posts: 117 Member
    I get where you are coming from, I don't like telling people until I have gained some ground at least. I don't like being that person who "oh, he's trying to lose weight again, let's see if he actually goes through with it this time. ". It's the same idea of a smoker who tries to quit every other week but never follows through.

    But I would say you should be proud of what you've done. Being halfway to your goal, no matter how small is a great feat. In the end, if you don't want to tell anyone, then you don't have to. People will see it for themselves sooner or later. Keep it up!!
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    When I started I didn't really tell anyone. I've lost over 60 lbs now, people have noticed :) If asked, I'll talk about, but I don't just bring it up.
  • bsbprincess
    bsbprincess Posts: 161 Member
    I only tell my fiance, in real life. I have such a support system between my online friends (both here and gamers) plus instagram, so I don't feel the need to. Plus, I REALLY love when I get the "are you losing weight??" without them knowing I'm trying.

    This eliminates the possibility of people saying that just to be nice :P
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    When I was actively losing weight I kept it to myself. When/if someone asked, I usually told them I was trying to improve my health and be more fit...which was the truth...I never really mentioned weight itself
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    edited January 2016
    I learned early on that if I didn't want unsolicited advice and comments (and I don't) it was best not to share it.
  • Internistella
    Internistella Posts: 67 Member
    I thought I was the only weirdo who preferred not to discuss weight loss. I have gone back and forth gaining and losing the same 30lbs or so every other year. My friends don't really comment on my weight either way, (thank goodness) and I prefer it that way. I like to keep my MFP friends with similar goals for weight related conversations.
  • Emmest1
    Emmest1 Posts: 8 Member
    I think it completely depends. Like Angela, I'm average weight so I don't tell people about it for fear of the repercussions. I waited a bit to tell my husband but luckily he is having an exercise craze (they come and go!) just now so it was easier breaking the news. Like you, I'd be happy with people commenting on my appearance but I'd rather not offer the information.
  • Downwinds
    Downwinds Posts: 15 Member
    Well my girlfriend knows, and isn't exactly best pleased since I'm already 'normal weight' for my height. Most people seem to think if someone who's less than 'overweight' wants to lose weight then it's a 'bad' thing. So I've learnt not to go on about it much to anyone else, especially my family...
  • jonipecson
    jonipecson Posts: 28 Member
    I have shared with coworkers so and immediate family. When you tell one, others find out :) The only thing that I hate is the unsolicited advice I get from different ones that don't understand where I'm coming from and they are on crash diets or are already small to begin with. I've always been a big girl and I finally got tired of my weight affecting my health and decided to do something. I officially started at 290 and now I'm down to 257.7. It feels good and I'm not letting the comments and advice stop me. I'm learning to take it with a grain of salt. I think it would have been better not to say too much and I commend you for what you are doing with not sharing with a lot of people. smiley:
  • fitdaisygrrl
    fitdaisygrrl Posts: 139 Member
    When I first started, only me and my husband knew (we're doing this together and both have about 40 lbs to lose). But as time goes on, a few more people know now especially when they see me at the gym, or at work we're doing a weight-loss "biggest loser" kind of contest. But I try to keep as much to myself as I can. Not because I'm worried I'll fail, but I don't want to open myself up to comments or negative things that will demotivate me.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I don't bring it up. sometimes someone will comment on what I order or eat and say something like "you on a diet?". sometimes a co-worker will mention going out for lunch, and I'll decline. sometimes they will ask why, and I'll say "I'm being a bit more structured about my intake"

    In the end .. co-workers and fam know I'm working on my weight, but I don't have to bring it up. It's just kind of obvious if you're observant.