Going over on sodium daily!!!! Grrr



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I hear ya bsbprincess I feel that when I see them red numbers I've failed the entire day and will never see my goal no matter how many calories I have left at the end of the day

    where your weight is concerned, calories are the most important...going over on sodium has nothing to do with burning fat. I watch my sodium because I'm hypertensive...if you're not and not at risk then I wouldn't personally worry about it and I would find something more meaningful to track.
  • susannegreen
    susannegreen Posts: 48 Member
    I would look at any prepackaged food and see if you can make swaps. Take a trip to the grocery store one day just to look at labels. I was in the same boat when I started. Most of my culprits were dressings/condiments, canned soups/veggies, and chips. They have lots of good reduced sodium options for canned veggies, or you could go with frozen and that cuts it down a lot. Whole foods sells no salt added tortilla chips that are delicious. I have invested in lots of herbs and spices to flavor my food and have really been able to very back on the added sodium when cooking as well. I still go over sometimes but not as much. It's hard! Lol. Good luck.
  • chaddward86
    chaddward86 Posts: 10 Member
    My dairy


    Something funny to you????
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    You're eating a lot of cheese, which is high in sodium. You might want to cut back on cheese, or at least look for low-sodium versions.
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    It looks like you're eating a lot of convenience foods. While they may make it easier to stay within your calories they tend to have a lot more salt. I would suggest taking a little time one or two days/week to plan out and pre cook some food to help you get through the week.
  • chaddward86
    chaddward86 Posts: 10 Member
    I'll give that a try thanks a bunch

  • krista681
    krista681 Posts: 26 Member
    Try switching up your workout routine some to give your body some variation if you are hitting plateaus--incorporate some weight training aimed at adding lean muscle which will increase your metabolism

    exactly. if you do the same workouts every day your working out muscles that are already trained so your body doesn't have to work as hard. constantly rotate your workouts. also, as far as your food journal goes, all the cheese and processed foods will get you! generally I try to stick with anything that comes prepackaged is a no no. Meal prepping will definitely help keep you on track as well as help incorporate fresh foods and home cooked meats! Stick to leaner meats other than beef. Try turkey meat instead (moose is my go to) or chicken. To help fill the void of unhealthy snacks, try smoothies and add some whey. super filling, great for a natural pre or post workout, and the natural sugar in the fruit will help kick the munchie/sweet tooth cravings.