Do you log your BLTs? bites, licks, taste

angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
I was wondering how y'all approach any extra BLTs that you have during the day. I try to be extremely honest with myself/diary and you will see random things like 1/8 portion of (fill in the blank) because I had a bite of somebody elses food. A huge part of this is having a toddler who has food out constantly. It isn't bad food (please dont tell me not to feed her things I wouldn't eat because she has a pretty amazing diet and palate) its just unplanned food that may not be the best for my way of eating. For example 1/8 of a whole wheat quesadilla is 50 cals . Do y'all log stuff like that? I don't see it very often in diaries that I look at and I wonder if everyone else just has super restraint or if they just don't log it.


  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    I tend to shy away from that kind of grazing just because I'm not good at having just one bite of anything, especially if it's yummy.

    But I would say that you should count it. In the end every calorie counts and little things like that can add up.
  • ecaz
    ecaz Posts: 115
    I give myself one free bite a day. Has to be under 50 cals. And only ONE. It makes me only eat one because I dont want to log anything else.. And I make that ONE count, it has to be something gooood.
  • Bigmomma0u812
    I log my nibbles as just quick add calories. Any time you see quick adds on my diary you know I've been nibbling and tasting a little sumthin sumthin.
  • Nit2Winit11
    I count it and log it.
  • vayax
    vayax Posts: 152 Member
    I think it depends how many of those tiny bites you have during the day....if you have 1 or 2 that it's fine...but if you find yourself having 10 bites during the day that makes a full portion or anything ;)
  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    I log it if it is relatively easy to log and is significant. If I eat one piece of Kix cereal.....probably not logging that. :)
  • busymamaof4
    busymamaof4 Posts: 19 Member
    I try to log everything that goes in my mouth, no matter how small. Those little bites here and there can sure add up quick!
  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    I try to be honest and log everything cause all those BLT's could add up. I bet for many people those BLT's are what keeps people from losing weight. Now if it literally is maybe once a day then I wouldn't worry about it. Now it could also depend on what it is. Is it a bite of a candy bar or a bite of a apple?
  • nickiog
    nickiog Posts: 187 Member
    if i have done more then like a taste to make sure my 3 y/o food isnt to hot then i generally just lop 100 calories off the top of my allowance just to be safe. and i usually just use the quick add thing in that situation.
  • kjlowrey
    kjlowrey Posts: 3
    I'm a SAHM as well and yes, log all those little bites. They add up, and is what makes my scale not move downward. After tracking calories, I finally see how much "senseless" eating I do throughout the day!
  • tracybarnes1
    tracybarnes1 Posts: 54 Member
    yes def. count everything just like you are doing!!!! :) even if its 2 M&Ms they are high in calories and everything counts
  • brickok
    brickok Posts: 117 Member
    Anything that goes in my mouth gets logged in. If you are truley trying to lose weight and want to have an honest accout of what your calories are you put it in mark it down. I work part-time in a supper club and when I prep food (salads, desserts, what ever) I need to taste it to make sure it has evought flavor or spices and I mark down 1 tblsp or what ever it is. I keep a notebook handy so I can bring the list home at night. It is a pain but I did eat it. I also have a family daycare during the day and I just learned that I don't need to like off the spoon after serving the kids meals I can share with the dog or just rinse it off. It's all up to how accountable you want to be and how much weight you want to lose.
  • AniMarieSt
    AniMarieSt Posts: 119 Member
    I most certainly log things like that. I think it's smart to. Otherwise a "bite of this here or that there" can add up.
  • flukes9
    flukes9 Posts: 78 Member
    All this talk of BLTs is making me hungry for an actual BLT!!!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I do!!! I don't do it nearly as often anymore... but I've been known to grab my phone (it's always in my pocket) and log a lifesaver... or a Hershey Kiss... they add up! Which is why I try to avoid them. I do love that I can get my chocolate fix in sometimes for under 50 cals, but I still count it!!!!
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    If something is under 30 calories I don't waste my time adding it. UNLESS you're having 10 of these throughout the day then I'd just add them up together. Same thing for exercising which is why it could balance each other out. If I move a computer across the building I may burn 30 calories but since I don't add a bite here and there they cancel each other out.
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    Im the same way with my toddler. I usually dont mark it because whenever I eat he ends up eating a lot of my food (sometimes up to half) so I figure the couple bites I take a day of his food evens out because I log the full amount when he eats part of my meal.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Not usually, but that's because they are often part of something that I'm going to eat anyway. So, if I eat a bit of roast beef when I'm carving it, I'll just pay attention to how much I log and look at my portion as including the extra bit.

    Other times I just don't worry about it (like if I taste my husbands dinner when we're out - he'll usually try some of mine anyway, so it is often a straight swap).

    If i stop losing weight altogether then I will start paying more attention, but as long as I'm losing steadily, I'm not going to log 1 bit of steak or 1 tspn of pasta sauce. I love MFP and don't mind logging but that is just too much for me. I know that I have a 500 calorie deficit most days anyway, so if I have 50 -60 extra cals from tastes, then I just accept that it will come out of my deficit.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    I usually don't. I had one of my sons chips while we were at swimming I going to figure out what 1 chip is worth? No. If I had a hersheys kiss, or a sour candy etc I would track it because its a whole candy, but if I am having one bite of something like that I don't bother, like someone else said, after I end up sharing bites of my meals with 3 kids it evens out in the end.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I taste things when I'm cooking/mixing. There are times I'll try something hub got. I don't log any of it. I'm not making a meal of it. Not only that, while nutrition labels are important, they're only an estimate. Seriously, that many items can land spot on 200 cals? 80 cals? 350 cals? Nothing ever lands on 167 cals unless I use the recipe thingy on MFP. Otherwise, everything magically comes out even! Imagine that?! So, the way I see it, if it's just a taste test, there is room for error thanks to the labels. ;)