gotta quit the coke, man!

yami88 Posts: 4
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
ok wow... i didnt have the "sugar" goals thing turned on until just now and i am mortified... for the msot part ive done well on most of the other categories, but even so i've been over-sugaring myself, in large part thanks to nothing but soda... wow... wakeup call... i caved today but just looking at how even one bottle of it screws me over, i dont want to put myself through that anymore... what's the point of working out if i'm just soaking up sugar and turning all that extra into fat anyway
it wont be easy... but i gotta quit coke cold-turkey and stick with it...
when i think about it and how much ive drunk soda daily for so long, i'm surprised i'm not diabetic already, tho i'm probably well on my way.
just posting on here i guess to vent a little and to get it all out but also to motivate myself to be accountable now.


  • sushisuzi2
    sushisuzi2 Posts: 111 Member
    I haven't had a non-diet soda since 1987. That's why. I know they say they're both bad for ya, but caffeine free diet soda, which I drink a lot of, it mostly water anyway. (that's what I tell myself)
  • I quit drinking diet mountain dews. I was constantly drinking one and when I cut them out I realized how bad a habit it was. I will never let myself get dependant on soda again. Anything that gives you such bad headaches when you don't have them....can't be good for you.
  • yami88
    yami88 Posts: 4
    despite all that soda i've still been drinking, i did manage to lose 0.5 lbs over the past two weeks, so at least that's a minor step in the right direction... i just gotta remind myself that without the soda it may have been a full pound and thus much more satisfying ;)
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    How do you quit? Diet coke or Mt. Dew is the first thing I reach for in the morning.
  • yami88
    yami88 Posts: 4
    ugh i had a GREAT day yesterday - aka didnt drink any soda, just pretty much managed on water the whole day through and was FINE...
    today after my workout, i totally fell off the wagon hard and ordered a soda at subway... *bangin my head against the wall*
    why is this so hard?!
    i'm still way under my allotted calories per day, tho obviously the sugar just went tumbling over the limit. but still... i gotta kick this bad habit!
    anyone have any suggestions on how?
  • I tryed quitting cold turkey and got awful headaches, took me about 3 weeks to toally give up my diet mt dew I loved dearly. I also went from about 20 oz of coffee a morning down to a 6oz cup and then drink green tea in the evenings. Must be enough caffiene in the coffee and tea to curb the headaches. I just everyday drank a little less dew till eventually I was not drinking it at all. Good luch to you that was a hard one for me!!!!
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