Help me put the cupcake down

Trying to find support and motivation while on my journey to loose 30lbs. I have a major sweet tooth so cutting out sugar has been incredibly hard it's only been a few days but any and all support or advise is greatly appreciated!


  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    My advice? Don't cut it out entirely. You'll feel deprived and want to give up.
    Allow yourself a 'treat' day where you dedicate a few hundred calories to a cupcake, a bowl of ice cream, or a candy bar. If you're currently consuming a lot of sugar in your daily diet, step it back slowly. Cut out one thing at a time until you have the little bit of sugar that you can't live without. For me, for example, that's the sugar that's in my coffee.
    But if you suddenly throw all the sugar out, your body is gonna throw a total tantrum. It's had those calories, it's had that sugar and it WANTS it! (Don't know if you have kids, but liken it to the two year old- It WANTS IT! MOMMY I WANNNNTTT IT! I WANT IT NOW!) Step back slowly, cut out one thing at a time until your calorie count is good and you're able to have a little sweet in your day with a big splurge once every few weeks or so.
    Weight loss is a journey. It doesn't happen overnight. :)
  • CampLondon
    CampLondon Posts: 239 Member
    On radio I saw product that tastes "bad" and it messes with taste buds. it makes ice cream taste bad so you don't eat it for a hour.
  • JamalIgle
    JamalIgle Posts: 55 Member
    I agree with ElizabethOakes2. The best way to deal with your sweet tooth is to allow yourself a little bit each day and work it into your calories. Denial only increases your cravings, so if you absolutely want that cupcake, eat half the cupcake. Then move, take a walk, run, go dancing, whatever.
    You'll stick to your diet by being smarter.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    In my experience trying to cut out things you really like completely is a recipe for failure. Eat food you like. Stay within your calorie goal. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a cupcake or other sweet treat as long as you don't eat more calories than you burn.
  • sthoma13
    sthoma13 Posts: 63 Member
    I always make sure I save enough calories to have my vanilla frozen yogurt "sundae" with no sugar added chocolate syrup at the end of the night. I have a sweet tooth too but I know I can make room for that treat if I work out and it tastes that much better knowing I've earned it. Try to find a time of day or healthier sweet version of what you crave and plan for it instead of going buck wild when you get a craving!