Going good so far... Need motivational friends

karleyashfield Posts: 2 Member
edited January 2016 in Introduce Yourself
This time I'm determined!!! I have nearly 2 stone that I want too loose and stay that way.. Would be good to have some motivational people to follow


  • gem8389
    gem8389 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Gabriella from living in Atlanta! This app is a staple for me and I find it easy to maintain my weight and continue to slim down. I started this journey about 2 years ago and have lost 35 lbs. Could have been faster but I am not always consistent with working out which I am working on by the way... It just dawned on me that I need some inspiration on here of people that are also working towards similar goals so here I am starting to add Mfp friends
  • teesllim
    teesllim Posts: 14 Member
    edited January 2016
    Feel free to add me. I've been losing weight constantly for about a year but I have a long way to go. Would love some motivation as well :-)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I need to lose about 3.8 stone. We have our work cut out for us! I have been on MFP and lost 2 stone already so I know what I have to do, I just have to continue doing it! Add me if you wish to.