Looking for Moms of lots of kids....i have 4

I lost 25.lbs before but gained it back after boy #3 and never lost it again. I now have 4 boys 13,.9, 3, and 8 1/2 months. I want to be healthy for my boys and for my health. I just feel like its hard with kids, hubby, and on a budget!!! Any moms out there that have successfully lost weight???


  • laytonperry11
    laytonperry11 Posts: 14 Member
    I have 4 kids ages 14,12,10, and 4... I have lost 25 pounds but still need to lose 10 more
  • laytonperry11
    laytonperry11 Posts: 14 Member
    It was hard to lose them but I did it...
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Nice job!! Wish I could find my motivation! How are you doing?
  • laytonperry11
    laytonperry11 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm losing probably 1-2 pounds a week... Just eat clean make sure you eat protein and don't forget to eat fruit... And working out at least 3 times a week helps greatly
  • cofomostwanted
    cofomostwanted Posts: 27 Member
    I have 3 kids. 5, 3 and 8.5 months. I'm ready to lose the baby weight from all 3 and get back into shape so I can enjoy life with my kids. Want to be friends and motivate each other? I'd like to lose 48lbs ideally.
  • MominTX80
    MominTX80 Posts: 12 Member
    I have 3 biological kids and a step-son. I actually had no problem losing the weight I gained during all of my pregnancies. I actually started gaining weight 5 years ago (when my youngest was 5). So now I am working on losing 10 - 15 lbs. I have lost about 3 lbs since last year. It's difficult for me since I don't have much to lose. I am focusing on exercising more and eating slot of lean protein. Good luck to you!
  • kayeherbert
    kayeherbert Posts: 5 Member
    I have 3 boys ages 5, 3 & 9mo, so I can relate with you, (cofomostwanted) since our kids are same ages. I gained 40-50 lbs during each pregnancy & lots most of it pretty easily each time, but the last 5-10lbs are always stubborn for me & require lots of effort. Using myfitnesspal to track calories really helps me, because naturally I'll eat waaaay more than I need/burn.
    It can be hard to restrict calories when I'm dolling out snacks to the kids all day & yet I have to restrain myself. For me I've been drinking special yummy herbal (no sugar) hot teas during the kids snack times & that helps. Planning ahead meals & snacks, prepping healthy options ahead of time helps me to not just grab easy carby or fatty foods when I'm hungry. About twice a week I wash & chop lots of different colorful veggies, make an oilfree bean dip, & chop fresh fruit into fruit salads, etc. One thing ive learned is that eating a BIG salad with protein for lunch every day really helps me not only be healthy, but feel full on fewer calories. then I can eat whatever cooked meal I make for dinner with the family & not have to make myself something different.
  • mm1bjp
    mm1bjp Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I'm a dad of 3 kids (boys 4, 7 and 9 yrs ) before having kids it was easy to go to gym in the evenings, etc. I now look at the kids as an opportunity to help me be healthy, for example, Monday evenings i try to take the oldest 2 indoor climbing. Wed evenings I take the 3 of them swimming and have a carry on \ laugh with them. I flag this as water aerobics on MFP which helps my calorie goal. Weekends i use endomondo to log walks & cycling with kids, again this linked to MFP and helps my calorie goals. Geocaching is also a fun way to get the kids out into the outdoors and enjoyna bit of walking.
  • rhodachupp
    rhodachupp Posts: 14 Member
    I'm also a mom of 4.. Ages 6, 4, 3 and 6 months. I have about 40 pounds to lose. So hard to be patient but it WILL come off!!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm a mum of 3 - a boy who's 6, and 2 girls who are 4 and 20 months. I lost 66lbs after my second, but gained a lot in pregnancy despite exercising and eating at a deficit, so I'm still about 10lbs over pre pregnancy weight still, and it's taking forever to lose! I'm 38 now, and it's definitely harder.
  • bbilliethecat
    bbilliethecat Posts: 62 Member
    mum of three: 5, 3, and 4-months . i've lost 37 pounds, wanting to lose another 30-40 .

    my advice ? water, water, water . after dinner, i'm planning on taking the rats to the playground with a soccer ball and a pram . great way to get in some exercise and fresh air while spending time with the older two - plus it's fun and it's free :)

    add me if you'd like, no such thing as too much support when it comes to weightloss :D
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,287 Member
    Four kids here. 13, 10, 2, and 1. In maintenance for 6 years, focus is increasing strength!
  • keriannshields
    keriannshields Posts: 4 Member
    Momma of 5 kiddos. 18, 15, 12, 6 and 4. Striving to lose more fat and lift heavier.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 622 Member
    I have 2 boys and 2 girls, 12 (g), 10 (b) and 7 (b/g twins). I was obese when I had my 12 year old and I never did lose much baby weight after each pregnancy. Just before my twins were born I was 350 lbs... nearly 3 years later I was still 329. That's where I started. I've lost it all now, with about 60 extra gone on top.

    The answer was prioritising, specifically making time for myself to exercise. An exercise bike in the living room (a cheap one) meant I could work out at home if hubby was overseas for work and I had nobody to watch the kids. Roping in my mother to walk with me meant I had to go when I had hubby at home to watch the kids. I even did exercise vids off YouTube with my (then) 3 y.o twins doing it right alongside me.

    I also had to stop eating leftover food off the kids' plates. I am not a garbage disposal! And meal planning meant that I could afford to eat healthy even when the budget was tight... I would pre-log whole days in MFP so that I could work out the best way to get enough calories, balance my macros and feed the whole family for the week.

    In short, it took some planning and plenty of self control, but it was definitely possible.

  • ebontreger
    ebontreger Posts: 1 Member
    I am a young mother of 2, ages 27 months and 13 months with about 55 pounds to lose. One of the most helpful things for me has been homemade freezer meals. If you choose carefully from all the countless options on Pinterest you can pre prep and freeze very balanced meals to be thawed and cooked later. My personal favorite are the ones that can be cooked in a slow cooker beginning in the morning and getting done in time for dinner. This has eliminated much of the temptation that I experienced to nibble before mealtime, plus it's super time efficient. Oh and for breakfast I absolutely love freezer smoothie packs. After prepping and freezing them, all I do in the morning is grab a pack, dump it in the blender and drink. Totally fell in love.
    That and support. I'm happy to be added for mutual motivation if you want.
  • annied000
    annied000 Posts: 39 Member
    mrsbuzz wrote: »
    I lost 25.lbs before but gained it back after boy #3 and never lost it again. I now have 4 boys 13,.9, 3, and 8 1/2 months. I want to be healthy for my boys and for my health. I just feel like its hard with kids, hubby, and on a budget!!! Any moms out there that have successfully lost weight???

    I have 5 kids :). 4 boys and 1 girl. Their ages are 8,6,4,3, and 4 months. I gained about about 45 lbs with each pregnancy. I lost pretty easily after the first two, but the weight definitely came off much slower with my others. I'm 4 months postpartum and have about 27 lbs to lose. I don't have much advice beyond the logging calories and upping activity.

    Anyone on this thread feel free to add me. I'm on every day logging :)
  • starkers80
    starkers80 Posts: 14 Member

    Mum of 4 boys here. 4 under 4! Just had twins boys 6 weeks ago and want to shed some pounds to keep up with the older two!

    I put on 5st in total with my first. I was 3st heavier after he was born. I lost most of it and felt pretty fit doing low carb and 30 day shred, but then fell pregnant with his brother 5.5 months after he was born.

    After our second, my weight fluctuated with lots of yo yo dieting.

    Now the twins are here, I want to feel fit and healthy again. But can't do too much excersize right now following my c section, but also just because life is exhausting!!

    Would love some mummy/daddy friends with hectic lives like us! Feel free to add me.
  • heatherkballard
    heatherkballard Posts: 19 Member
    I am a mom of 8 (5 boys 3 girls), and granny to 1! :) Right now we still have 6 at home. I struggled with weight gain during my child-bearing years. My youngest is 8 yrs. old and I just now feel like I can focus on my health, although I have tried on and off for years!

    I just posted in the "Introduce Yourself" section of MFP.
    I am really loving this website and like the guidelines for posting along with the food diary, etc.!

    My husband is my biggest cheerleader and workout buddy! Support and consistency is key!
    We always say, "Just get to the gym today and don't worry what you will do or how much, etc.!"!

    Also...exercise has suppressed my appetite big time to where I can hardly eat 1200 cal./day...usually less!
    I am not seeing a lot of weight loss since the initial 10 lbs. lost since we started our fitness lifestyle in September 2015, though.

    I am still hopeful and committed!

    If I can be of any help or encouragement, let me know! :)

  • Roslyn007
    Roslyn007 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there, I'm a mum to 5 young kids (9, 7, 6 and twins at 3).
    I do all my exercise at night when the kids are asleep. I purchased a second hand ex-gym cross-trainer. They are quite to use, so it won't wake the family. For motivation I watch some of 'the biggest losser' series while I'm exercising.