Keto and Net Carbs

I've been trying out the keto diet and so far I've been seeing some great results but I am having trouble understanding net carbs. I recently bought a few "low carb" protein bars from a keto shop online. The nutrition facts state there are 27g of carbs but only 3G of net carbs. What is the difference? Should I go by nutrition facts or the net carbs? I don't want to impede my progress by not knowing what to follow and eating too many carbs in a day...


  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    It's been my experience that using net carbs with whole foods (fruit, vegetables, nuts etc.) is fine. But it's not ok to deduct the fiber from bars and other low carb products -- or at least not the full amount. Others use those products with no problem.

    The only way you'll know for sure is to try it and see how you make out. If you're counting your calories in addition to limiting your carbs it's not going to impede your weight loss.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Net carbs is just total carbs minus the fibre. That may or may not work for ketosis. I am in ketosis and I try to keep my total carbs below 20g per day. That bar would have exceeded my carb total for the day. Many keto'ers avoid protein bars for that reason.

    If you need more protein try cheese, meats or eggs as a snack. An easy snack for me is coffee with coconut cream, coconut oil and sugar free protein powder if I want more protein.

    With a ketogenic diet it is often elpful to plan snacks in terms of protein ad fats. Most prepackaged and per-prepared foods will have carbs that are too high to fit your macros.
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    Many "diet" bars subtract sugar alcohols, which aren't entirely carb-neutral as purported. My suggestion is always... start with total carbs. Once you're settled and comfortable with 20g total per day and you're fat-adapted, then experiment.

    Personally, I subtract fibre, but not sugar alcohols.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Full of sugar alcohols! Junk! Will wreak havoc on your intestines!
  • peregrinning
    peregrinning Posts: 3 Member
    Nvmomketo how long does it typically take to be in ketosis?
  • FitClarice2016
    FitClarice2016 Posts: 3 Member
    Most "low low carb bars" kick me right out of ketosis so I don't eat any of them...but have a friend who can get away with eating one every now and then...depends on how your body reacts. I don't worry about net carbs...I count any carbs as carbs and that keeps me on track.
  • pedroepaz
    pedroepaz Posts: 19 Member
    That and I never react well to the sugar alcohols, they screw my stomach up.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Nvmomketo how long does it typically take to be in ketosis?

    a few days up to a couple of weeks or more. Depends on your carb and calorie deficit to some extent.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    Nvmomketo how long does it typically take to be in ketosis?

    a few days up to a couple of weeks or more. Depends on your carb and calorie deficit to some extent.

    Ditto. If you eat lower calorie than normal, very low carb (many keto'ers start below 20g), and add in some strenuous exercise you could be into ketosis within a few days.