How fast to lose?

Alright so I was at my goal weight a beautiful 130 pounds for 5'4. In the course of one momth I gained THIRTY pounds. I went from 120 to 155 in one month. How is that even possible!? I know I ate a lot but I was still surprised, since I gained so fast do you think I will lose fast? It took me like 6 months last time to get from 155 to 120, and it took me like 1 month to gain it back I'm so confused.


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Unfortunately, it kind of works the opposite with weight loss. With weight gain, the faster you gain weight, the more of that weight gain will be fat. With weight loss, the faster you lose weight, the more of that weight loss will be muscle. The only real similarity is that for optimal body composition, the best rate to lose weight as well as gain weight is as slowly as possible.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    30 pounds X 3500 calories = 105,000 calories over maintenance. What the hell did you eat? More like inconceivable
  • nataliehuller
    nataliehuller Posts: 13 Member
    What the hell; I ate a lot of nuts and ate till I was uncomfortably full; to be honest I probably had 2000 calories over Maintence each day for one month
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
  • nataliehuller
    nataliehuller Posts: 13 Member
    Realistically I should have only gained about 15 pounds
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    Lesson learned (I hope). Start logging again and weigh your food accurately. It will not come off easy so it will be slow and steady which should serve as a reminder to not do it again because it is not healthy for you. You can still eat everything you want, just not all in the same month (week, day) or in unlimited quantities. The bigger question would be where you were emotionally that allowed you to feel this was necessary.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    That's good effort
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    Lesson learned (I hope). Start logging again and weigh your food accurately. It will not come off easy so it will be slow and steady which should serve as a reminder to not do it again because it is not healthy for you. You can still eat everything you want, just not all in the same month (week, day) or in unlimited quantities. The bigger question would be where you were emotionally that allowed you to feel this was necessary.
  • xOMGitsMARKx
    xOMGitsMARKx Posts: 1 Member
    no wonder nuts are extremly insanely high in cal
    28 almonds are like 200cal u probably at even more than u think ... to put it simply if u ate 200 nuts (almonds for example) that would be 1,400cal. u should only have a handful a day i used to eat them in hand fulls like 7 at a time if ur doing the same thing.... thats why u gained so much plus if u were eating other foods.....