I need to understand this report?

LensCap Posts: 20 Member
I went to my check-in today and entered my new weight......down 12 lbs....and I get this note below.....I don't get why it says Ive lost 9 lbs so far....Any Ideas why?

lost 12 lbs since his last weigh-in! Lenscap's lost 9 lbs so far.


  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    If you were heavier than your initial starting weight, it would say that.

    Example: initial starting weight is set at 250lbs, you enter a weight gain at 253lbs, then you lose 10 lbs. your status would read: lost ten lbs since last weigh in, lost 7 lbs so far. Make sense?
  • LensCap
    LensCap Posts: 20 Member
    yeah I guess i forgot where I started
  • LensCap
    LensCap Posts: 20 Member
    Oh and thanks for your reply !