over 50 need friends needing to lose 65 pounds and more

I have been overweight for the last 15 years. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired....not comfortable in my own skin so I made up my mind to lose this weight. It's never too late, so here's my journey.


    PATIENT_DIVA Posts: 7 Member
    I need to loose 80 so we can encourage each each other
  • debsdoingthis
    debsdoingthis Posts: 454 Member
    over 50 with 60 to go. Sending you a friend request.
  • lisapierce5277
    lisapierce5277 Posts: 15 Member
    Dont know how to accept...just learning this today. I will try to figure it out. Thanks.
  • WendyLaubach
    WendyLaubach Posts: 518 Member
    Age 59 and another 90 to lose. I'll send a friend request. You should get an email that will send you somewhere to click on "accept." if not, you should at least see a little red number above an icon in your menu bar up on top there. Click on that, and it will send you to a page with an "accept" button.
  • CarolSikes
    CarolSikes Posts: 6 Member
    Hey - I'm over 50 (nearing 60) and still have 80 left to lose out of 112. Good luck to you.
  • cmjohnson53
    cmjohnson53 Posts: 61 Member
    62 years here, 65 pounds to lose.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Hi, I'm 60. I started shortly after my 59th birthday and losing a dear friend to CHF. I believe at this point in life we have the experience, maturity, and motivation to stick to our commitments. For most of us, it's about far more than looking good in a bikini. It doesn't matter whether its "harder" to lose weight at this age. Menopause doesn't matter. Working, not working, having family, having medical issues, etc. doesn't "matter" for this journey

    What matters is that you decide what you want, make a plan, set some good habits, and follow them day in and day out. Don't sit around waiting to "feel motivated." Just act on your plan and follow your new habits, the same way you brush your teeth and take a shower.

    I don't think about whether I "feel motivated" before I fix my meal, go on a walk, or go to fitness class. I do it because that is my plan and my decision. I don't want to go back to where I was--I felt awful physically and mentally--and that's enough to keep me on track. It's not easy, but it can be done. I've done it and after 19 months my goal is within reach.

    "Losing weight is hard.
    Maintaining weight is hard.
    Staying overweight is hard.
    Choose your hard."

    Feel free to friend me if you want to be an active friend. Go get 'em!!

  • ctaylor22355
    ctaylor22355 Posts: 5 Member
    Age 60 and need to lose 80 pounds
  • pegeckert
    pegeckert Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I have 50 lbs to loose; started in Dec snd have lost 6+ lbs so far. Just started to venture into the community for extra support
  • evaluigi
    evaluigi Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am new also. Just turned 61 Jan 1. 213 lbs. I have lost the same 10 lbs countless times. All my life, I've been slim, skinny even, until I hit 45. Have been yo yo-ing every since. 213 lbs on 5 foot 3 inch frame is not pretty. But I am determined to change that 2016. I can do this.
  • Less1leg
    Less1leg Posts: 3 Member
    That is about the same amount of weight my goal is, around 65 pounds.
    Request to join in?
  • barefootot
    barefootot Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 52 and have about 100 to lose. I am not sure how to add friends yet, but you can add me.
  • flick61
    flick61 Posts: 14 Member
    54 Aussie grandma who would like to lose at least 25 kg. Feel free to add me
  • sndrd49
    sndrd49 Posts: 234 Member
    I'm 55 with 85 lbs to lose. Feel free to add me too.
  • rondarann
    rondarann Posts: 3 Member
    Im 62 with 56lbs+ to lose at 5ft 1in alot of work for my body would like to have feeds but not very confident with computer
  • AnnaSlimsDown
    AnnaSlimsDown Posts: 4 Member
    So happy to find this post... just joined today and have been looking for some friends my age.
  • parrigin
    parrigin Posts: 1 Member
    I'll soon be 52 and have 100 lbs to lose! This isn't my first time losing a tremendous amount of weight. In 2002 I lost more than 75 lbs. I managed to keep most of it off, but since 2014 I've gained 50 lbs. My health has deteriorated - my AIC has skyrocketed and it's higher now than when I was originally diagnosed as a diabetic in 2006. It's time for me to "take back my life" and get things under control. That being said, I started my new journey yesterday. I'm not looking at this as a diet - it's a lifetime change of eating habits to a healthier lifestyle. I want to have a healthier and happier quality of life! I am always open to having "new friends", so anyone interested in walking this path with me, feel free to friend me.

    "We are products of our own environment!"
  • eleanora2016
    eleanora2016 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm almost 53 with almost 100 pounds to lose. I've lost lots of weight before, but gained it all back. Had my physical yesterday. My doc says I'm pretty healthy considering my weight, but is encouraging me to lose weight. She says the best way to be successful is with buddies to go along with. I'm hoping we can do this together.
  • bonnie_nickell
    bonnie_nickell Posts: 13 Member
    55 here and need to lose at least 50 pounds. It has come on gradually for about 20 years but 30 of it has been in the last 8 years. Really want to have some energy and even my "fat" clothes are getting tight!
  • magicsd
    magicsd Posts: 99 Member
    I'm 55, just started my journey in October, feel free to add me.