Seeking friends for support :)

Dimplez1518 Posts: 8
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
I am a friendly person trying to begin a new lifestyle hopefully this works! Been over weight ever since I can remember but it's always been a roller coaster with high end and low ones.trying to lose a minimum of 40lbs and iknow I can't do it on my own this time around, ihave a real problem mostly with exercise. So I'm seeking friends on the site for mutal support and motivation... Greatly appreciate your adds and getting to meet new people :)


  • lyrical_21
    lyrical_21 Posts: 25
    I need some supportive friends on here too! I'll add you. :smile:
  • I would add you sounds like we have the same problems....but I don't know how to add feel free to add me
  • keriksen
    keriksen Posts: 3 Member
    I just started using this site but have been riding the diet roller coaster for many years. I had success with Weight Watchers in the past (lost 90 pounds) but put 50 back on and am now looking to lose 60 pounds.

    I think this site is great because it's user friendly and helps to keep you motivated.

    I would be happy to be your weight loss buddy.

    Good luck!

  • aircantu1
    aircantu1 Posts: 55 Member
    I just sent you all an invitation, I need friends too! I just joined and need to lose all the weight from 3 pregnancies in the last few years.
  • trashreg
    trashreg Posts: 1
    Hiyas, welcome and Congratulations!

    I've started my new life again some months ago. I am also very concerned on the problem of gaining weight after loosing it.
    3 years ago I lost over 100 pounds, and gained them again...

    So this time I started making a plan to not gain them again. The plan is... counting calories, and that's why I am here.
    I consider rather difficult to gain weight, at least much, if you count calories everyday, and I made my first sure I knew the effort it would take, before starting. I assumed it, and gave myself 2 weeks to think about it... every day, just 2 minutes, the very first thing on the morning.
    That means, 2 weeks awakening before anyone else at my home, to sit down in my computer, and realize what would i do, for the rest of my life.

    Then, I made up the habit to counting calories, as my ONLY objective for 2 months.
    The objective was not loosing weight, was JUST to build up the habit to count calories, no matter if i loose or gain weight.
    To build it up the plan was to start it easy, baby steps, the final objective is so important to me that I do not care to do it fast. I preffer to do it slow to make it stronger, and have fun during the building up.

    Week1: only breakfast (7 am) was counted.
    Week2: breakfast and anything eaten before 12pm
    Week3: breakfast and anything eaten before 14.00 (lunch time here)
    Week4: breakfast and anything eaten before 17
    Week5: breakfast and anything eaten before 20
    Week6: breakfast and anything eaten before going to bed.
    Week7: perfectioning
    Week8: perfectioning

    -Visible calendar at home and office: Successful day = Day marked with a cross. Only objective for 2 months = NO day with NO Cross. Day Marked just when going to bed.

    -Myfitnesspal. Anything eaten close at home or office = Instantanealy wrote on myfitnesspal, less than 2 minutes, no excuses.

    -little notepad and ballpen. ALWAYS in my pocket, to note anything eaten and I was away my home, or office computer.
    EVERY time I was back at my computer, FIRST thing to check is the notepad. If anything was wrote = Instantanealy wrote on myfitnesspal, less than 2 minutes, no excuses.

    After building the habit, the rest was kind of easy, 1800 cal / day plan first, now on 1650 and going on.
    85 lbs lost actually.

    Hope this can give you some idea that may work for you.

    Congratulations again to making the effort to take care about your health; I've realized that's the most important thing to me, because without it I can't help anyone, including my family.

    Have fun )
  • Hi Air

    Will you include me in the group too please

  • onmyweightohappiness
    onmyweightohappiness Posts: 151 Member
    Welcome to MFP feel free to add me if you want. Love having people to support me as well as people to support! The support is whats kept me motivated the last year!
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