Fitness goals

Hi, just thought I'd share my goals with like minded people who are seeking the same results as myself.

Before I share my goals I'll tell you a bit about myself. So basically I was always pretty chubby through school and up until I was about 20. Not obese, but definitely oversight and unfit. At around 20 I got into Karate and then later MMA, I learnt how to train and fight, i was only working part time so it was easy to find time to train, I also got very good at running, doing 13 km cross country. I eventually moved to moved back to the city and switched from mms to gym and running. At my peak I was around 83kg (I'm 6ft1 btw), I looked good and meeting girls was never a challenge.

In the last few years I decided to work I in a factory on night shifts because the money was good. Although financially I've never been better off, working 5 to 6 days a week has taken a huge toll on my health. Due to exhaustion and injuries on my shoulder and knee caps my exercise output has been getting worse and worse, my diet is decent but when you're always so busy sometime intake the easy option and buy a pie or McDonald's. I've gone from being fit and energetic to burnt out, tired and constantly sore and chubby again. When you've been fat and you loose it you never want to go back to being that way again. I'm currently around 107 kg, I don't think I look particularly fat with a shirt on but I'm certainly no men's health cover shot. My goal is to get to around 90 kg which sounds like a lot but given my height and natural solid build it's a pretty good weight for me to be at.

My plan on achieving the goal is really just a calculated decrease in calories, I will be waking to and from work everyday, which is about 8km in total. Plus spending 4 days a week doing basic weight training and ab exercises. I do know how to train properly but my motivation isn't what is used to be. Looking for similar people to back and forth with, keep up morale etc. this is day one
for me, I know it's vein but each Monday I will post a shirtless selfie so you can follow my results.

Good luck with your goals.

Being fat sucks so let's get rid of it

