Clean Eating Shopping Lists

Fattack Posts: 666 Member
Hello all

I'm trying to clean out my diet as much as possible, and am looking for inspiration as to what sort of staples I should look into (bar the basics - fruit, vegetables, meat, try to buy organic).

What do you clean eaters buy regularly? It's worth a mention that I'm not particularly rich, shopping for one, and don't drive so am limited to my local supermarket (I'm in the UK so it's a Tesco - fairly decent sized with a good variety of products).

Any resources for recipes would also be great, I have Clean Eating for Dummies - but the recipes require a LOT of ingredients, and I have the Clean & Lean Diet by James Duigan which doesn't have that many recipes in :(


  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Look at the Gracious Pantry website - she has fantastic recipes - but also lots of hints and tips etc....

    Here is a link to her clean eating shopping list...
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Fabulous, thank you!
  • Lovelystrumpet
    I also have a tight budget (absolute MAX £15 a week) and have to rely on my loocal Tesco Metro as I'm a student with no transport either!

    I generally don't deviate too far from this list:

    4 kiwis
    4 peaches
    2 iceberg lettuces
    1 cucumber
    3 bell peppers
    a box of calorie controlled, all naturel cereal bars
    2 packs of 4 diet yogurts
    a pack of wholegrain Ryvita
    3 mini tubs of low fat hummus
    a medium bag of dried fruit and nuts
    a box of veggie burgers
    a few fillets of mackerel
    2 bags of cous cous
    occasionally some peanut butter

    I've honed my routine so I can make all that last exactly a week before I go again, with zero wastage and not going hungry. Shopping is like an art form when you're restricted on budget AND health! :)
  • sherryberry07

    The graciouspantry site is WONDERFUL! I'm pretty new to clean eating and I'm HOOKED! Looking around the web I found this site today -

    Hope that helps a little! :-) If you want a clean eating friend, feel free to add me!
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    greek yogurt, fresh fruit or fresh frozen fruit (unsweetened), fresh vegetables or frozen vegetables, honey (for sweetener), natural peanut butter (can be bought organic), seafood, whole grain breads, whole grain pastas (include much more fiber which aids in digestion and weight loss), eggs (packed with protein which keeps you fuller longer), flax seed (can be added to many foods, I use it in shakes or smoothies to add fiber and protein which keeps me full). I like lean meats like chicken, sirloin steak, fish, shrimp, turkey cutlets. If you like oatmeal, it is a great food as well, you can also add it to the greek yogurt with some honey. I also add the frozen fruits (slightly thawed) and a teaspoon of honey to my greek yogurt and voila, breakfast!!
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    oh yeah, turkey burgers are wonderful!! as another poster mentioned in her list....

    oh a few more, whole grain rice, baked chips (or crisps :) ), black beans (I use this in chili), salsa.
    And in my above post, any of those foods can pretty much be bought organic. Good luck!!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    My number 1 is spinach. It goes with or in EVERYTHING!

    Other things I am never without which are clean and cheap:
    Many tins of lentils, beans etc (Tesco value are fine except kidney beans which are an abomination)
    Tinned tomatoes (33p a tin, does 2 huge portions for a sauce)
    Wholegrain couscous and pasta (own brand of course)
    Wraps, ryvita and rye bread
    Lots of salad and veg, I buy whatever is reduced or on sale so it varies week to week
    Ditto fresh fish and meat for the bf, whatever is cheap when I am there

    Definitely worth looking for a local farmer's market. I found one 20 minutes walk away a couple of weeks back. Sainsbury's you can get 220g of blueberries for £2 ON OFFER but at this market it's 1kg for £1 :o:o I was stunned at how overpriced supermarkets are in comparison. You do have to dig around to find these markets as they're often not advertised but if you are in a city there will definitely be one.
  • marisa67
    marisa67 Posts: 19 Member
    I am also very interested in clean eating. Apart from fresh veg and fruit I try to keep it interesting by using different types of grains (mixed rice, quinoa, spelt, millet etc.), that I usually top with seeds and/or nuts or I add different types of pulses. Sainsbury's has quite a good range of grains and pulses. If not there is always Holland and Barrats. Grains and pulses are usually not that expensive. In terms of recipe books I quite like Carol Vorderman's detox books. Although technically not the same as clean eating (she does not use meat or fish in most of her recipe books). I find that her recipes are really quite tasty and you can easily adapt by adding lean meat or fish. I usually also add some (sea or herbal) salt and oil to the recipes and quite a lot of fresh herbs. Another author with good recipes is Patrick Holford, although this is also not a 'clean diet', the recipes essentially are. I also have my eye on a cookbook series by Tosca Reno who is well known for her 'clean eating' books in the US, but you can also buy her books on amazon.
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Thanks everybody! Luckily my diet isn't too far off a clean eating one (when I'm being good, the last week has sucked a bit!) because I generally eat Low GI which isn't too dissimilar.

    mililieitner - there is a farmer's market near me - but sadly it's only the first Sunday of the month :( I'll be checking it out on the 3rd though - thanks for the tip!

    Marisa67- I'm a massive fan of Patrick, his Low GL Bible is well... my bible, and I love the chickpea curry!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    mililieitner - there is a farmer's market near me - but sadly it's only the first Sunday of the month :( I'll be checking it out on the 3rd though - thanks for the tip!
    Awesome! Try and time it to go when there is still enough produce but people are heading home, you'll get better deals. Sometimes I bargain in Sainsbury's, even. If I get there at 10.30 and it shuts at 11, often they will give an extra reduction on things that go out of date on that day.
  • britachu
    britachu Posts: 157
    bumping for reference -- I'm trying to transition my diet slowly :)