New member uk still need to loose baby weight 2 years on mot

Hey! really need some help and motivation in loosing weight, my son is 2 and a half and I still need to loose my baby weight! If you don't mind being friends please add away, I'm looking for as much motivation as possible So I can take my son swimming as I'm too embarrassed since he has been born

Thanks Jessie :-) xxx


  • lisadonachie
    aww my son is 3 still havent lost mine i was 9 1/2 stone b4 i had him went way up but now stuck at 10 , 13

    feel free to add , good luck :)
  • naomimoan91
    Hey hun!! welcome to mfp :)
    everyone supports everyone here. whether you need help dieting, toning up, or just getting into a routine.... we are all here for you :)

    top tip maybes with the swimming thing... go with some friends and wear either a black tankini or swimming costume with the little almost-skirt style bottom part to give a more flattering look.

    congrats on the gorgeous lil boy :D

    ever need anyone to just have a natter with/ let off steam... let me know :) xx

    good luck
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    You are like me ! my girl is 2 and a half now and I still with the baby weight !! I'm doing well in MFP and I lost some noticeable lbs.

    Feel free to add me.
  • bex879165
    bex879165 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi, i've just added you. My son is nearly 6 and my daughter nearly 2 and I still haven't lost the weight. Doing well so far on here, 21lb off!!! It's all about logging what you eat strictly!! If I don't log or I miss things out my day just goes to pot!

    I walk miles too!! It's amazing what good it can do. I get quite a pace up so i'm nice and sweaty when I'm done and try for 45mins to 1hr a day (about 3.5 to 4 miles). It's working though!

    Good luck and feel free to message me if you need any help. x
  • Jhall1105
    Jhall1105 Posts: 6
    I could never be a snap in to size 6 after having a baby , love food to much and could never starve myself , so healthy eating logging exercise goal weight achieved!!!!
  • hanburglang

    I have been on MFP for almost 3 months now and so far i've lost 34lbs :-)) Very happy so far, I love MFP!!

    I too have a son who is 2 and a half, well 3 in September, and after he was born I didn't do much exercise/diet now is the time to start shifting some of this weight.

    Feel free to add me and good luck everyone :-)

    Hannah x