Need a bit of encouragement

My mother is in the hospital and is looking at a heart valve replacement. She is not healthy and has many chronic illnesses and their complications (lupus, diabetes, COPD). I'm scared to death. I always knew I would lose her sooner than others due to her illness, but I'm not ready and just want to stuff my face with comfort food. This is the first real emotional test that I've come up against since I started this journey in July. I'm a disaster waiting to happen right now.


  • StephDefa28
    StephDefa28 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm so sorry about your mother. Maybe rather than eating you could take a quick walk? Drink a tall glass of water? I do think that you knowing that is what you want to do and reaching out for help is a big step!
  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    Thank you! I cleaned a lot this weekend to distract myself. I'm stuck at work now though with nothing but my thoughts to distract me! And lots of yummy treats in the cafeteria. I'm drinking water and ate my usual snack. I've leaned on food for comfort so long it's hard to put it aside. I'm not even hungry, it's just anxiety. *deep breath*
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your Mom. the only motivation I can give is that you don't want to end up like her, with a shorter life than necessary! Take care of yourself. Go for a walk and take some deep breaths. even go sit in the bathroom just to get away from the cafeteria food. again, I'm sorry!
  • charleykayesmom
    charleykayesmom Posts: 92 Member
    I am sorry to hear about your mom! I lost my mom when she was 44 and I was only 19. Losing her at that time of my life was so hard as I was becoming a young woman and was in college but I needed her there for me! She was my best friend! So I can understand your worries completely. My mom was unhealthy, she was overweight, had diabetes and heart issues and just didn't take good care of herself, she always put everyone else before her own self. One year ago, I decided that I was not going to go down the same path as her. I was going to start being selfish and make me the best ME that I can. If I am not at my full capacity than I can take care of those around me in a good way. I never want to leave my children without me until my time is up! I wanted to get healthy for my family and to live longer for them and myself. Its a hard process to wrap your head around but think of how much your mom wants you to be happy and healthy...she doesn't want you to end up with health issues. I know it is hard not to eat your emotions but you have to WANT to stay on track regardless of what is going on around you! Take a walk, phone a friend or read a book. You can do this!!
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your Mom. I have only this to say regarding comfort eating: it doesn't help. In fact, it will make you feel worse, because then you'll have guilt on top of sadness. Not a good place to be. No food is going to numb the facts, and the facts hurt. But you will deal with it, because you're an adult. You love your mom, obviously. Just keep thinking about all the good things and good times. Breathe. Go for a walk. I'll be facing your situation sooner rather than later, as my mom is in awful health as well. I can empathize completely.