what keep you going?

I've been working out for about three weeks and counting calories for about two. Its getting harder and harder for me to keep it up, I really thought that it would get easier. Everytime I start a dieting and working out I quit after a month, I loose motivation. What's your motivation?


  • stephbarrera
    I've been working out for about three weeks and counting calories for about two. Its getting harder and harder for me to keep it up, I really thought that it would get easier. Everytime I start a dieting and working out I quit after a month, I loose motivation. What's your motivation?
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    This site definetely helps! I feel motivated just talking to other people that are battling the same issues! I guess I just keep my goals in mind and honestly let them be the first thing I think about when I wake up. Plus, I really enjoy exercising. My mom hates it...always has. I suppose it's a person-to-person thing and everyone's different. In the past I used to tape up pictures of myself fat in swimsuits or tight clothes...that was inspiration enough. I had one on the fridge so I always thought before eating. I also had one on my closet door so I saw it when I got out of bed in the morning and was motivated to go to the gym. Now...I don't need it anymore. I love this new lifestyle and seing the results keeps me motivated as well as the support network that I have gained on this site. You can totally acheive greatness!!!! Just keep it up!!!!:bigsmile:

  • lapach
    lapach Posts: 30
    For me..its my friends and family. I just have been in this mental slump in which it makes me sometimes not a very good person to be around. We are always at the lake in the summer and knowing summer is coming up...I just stay motivated with that. I don't want to feel like I have for the past two summers. I used to be soooo outgoing and now I tend to hide. Also, some of my friends are working out with me. We have the luxury of knowing someone who trains and is willing to train us in his spare time. So with that, I just feel like if he can commit to us I at least owe him my commitment. I don't want to dissapoint him or my friends. Im not going to lie. There are times when its workout day and I just dread going. Esp. this time of year! I hate getting out in the cold. But on those days I just mentally tell myself, get up -get your shoes on -lets go! After the workout, I feel soooo good about myself getting out and doing it! It makes it all worth it because I know I'm doing something to better myself! Then I feel so proud of myself! As far as the food goes,,,well this site has helped big time. I love knowing I can plan out my meals for the day...and I am soo determined to stick with what I have scheduled to eat because I don't want my workouts to go to waste! So it is mental for me I guess. Think about it....you work out...burn 200 calories..eat a ONE cookie that is 200 calories...and that hard workout went out the door!

    Don't give up....!!!! You can do it!!! And you need to tell yourself that everyday! Be determined! :smooched:
  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member
    I feel the same way--I've been doing this for two weeks and it's REALLY working but I don't know--it's not quite fast enough and I feel hungry a lot of the time. (I truly cannot relate to you people who say they "can't possibly eat" all their calories because they're "not hungry enough"!!! :tongue: )

    So what I do when I want to dive in and eat a whole pint of Ben & Jerry's just because it's there is just keep reminding myself how TERRIBLE I'll feel if I do that, and how many minutes of running it'll take to burn off that pint, or that pizza, or whatever. (The answer is--more minutes than I can possibly do, so I'd better just not eat it, or eat something else!)

    Keep going! You're doing a good job. Lots of small changes are what will get us there.
  • RiverCameron
    RiverCameron Posts: 56 Member
    Motivation usually wanes at about that point. That's why gyms are full on January 1st, and at least around here we see all of these people in new walking shoes and fitness clothes power walking around the neighborhood, but in less than a month most of them are gone and the new clothes are in the back of someone's closet.

    Maybe the answer to losing that initial motivation is to understand from the get go it'll be gone soon enough, and making sure you've got a plan you can live with, and maybe thrive with, ready to keep you going.

    For me, I've got goals set with weights to reach by certain dates and I've got rewards in mind for certain goal reaching. Bigger ones for big accomplishments, and small ones for little ones. None are food related, but they help keep me going when I really don't feel like it.

    Also, I joined the Biggest Loser MFP weigh in. I made a commitment to this group and I know I've got to post every Wednesday. That sense of community is wonderful for me. I hope we keep it up after Biggest Loser goes off. Maybe a "Waiting for the next Biggest Loser" group or something.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Looking in the mirror naked. It is not a site to see. If I want to continue to look this way, then I will quit. But, I don't. My kids too. I need to set an example for them and I need to be around for them.
    It is a pain in the a** to get up and do it, but, WE ALL CAN DO IT, and we will all succeed. You have to set it in your mind that you want to life a healthy lifestyle and you want to succeed. I know you will.
    Keep the positive thoughts and think of how much better you will feel when you get to your goal. Step by step, day by day. This site is also a HUGE motivation to me.
    Don't stop. Keep on truckin. It is all worth it.
    Set small goals and remember you can do it and you will.
    :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    For the first time in my life, it is not about the diet anymore. I just want to be healthy. I am still 15 pounds away from where I want to be, but that doesn't drive me anymore. I have been a gymaholic for over a year and a half and I have just gotten to the point that I love it. Then my mind says, 'well you worked so hard at the gym today why do you want to pollute your body with junk?" so I don't. Occasionally I will splurge, but on a whole I don't have cravings much anymore. I also have finally realized that just eating one cookie does not mean I have blown the whole day..therefore eat the whole box! And healthy eating habits don't start tomorrow or Monday..they start now. It is a mindset for me that I have never had a grasp of before and I am 35 and have lost and gained the same 40 pounds more times than I care to count. But I have never thought like this before so maybe just maybe this is the time I do it for good!
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I do the mirror thing too. I see myself naked and ask myself "wow can I really live the rest of my life with this body?" Then think to myself "heck no I'm going to stick with it today"

    One thing that really helps is that now even after only a month of really being good, I have people asking me if I've lost weight. That is really motivating.
  • pam0206
    pam0206 Posts: 700 Member
    Lots of good comments already. Something a bit more simplistic for me to add. When I start dreading my workout (I run on the treadmill), I download some new music. I have two young girls at home and about the only time I get to listen to "my" music is when I'm on the treadmill. So, if I know I have some new tunes, it gets me geared up to go....when I start getting bored, I download more....iTunes is loving me.

    My sister used to watch movies while she was working out. She would rent a new one and the only time that she could watch would be working out.

    GL. This is a marathon not a sprint.....

    We're gonna make it.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I think my temporary motivation is the little person in my head saying, "is your life really supposed to be this way?"
  • betterme
    betterme Posts: 54 Member
    I think the key is to change things a little at a time. Cut back on sugar in a definitive way that is doable for you instead of giving it up entirely (this is just an example) so that you are only changing one little thing at a time, which doesn't require as much motivation as changing everything at once and completely altering your entire lifestyle. But if you make little changes at a time and are CONSISTENT, it all adds up, and at least for me, it does not require much motivation to continue.

    Are you trying to change so much at once that it is too hard? Maybe slow down and realize this is a journey without an end, because if you stop your healthy lifestyle when you reach your goal weight you will gain it back quickly. I've lost 21 pounds in three months. I know I am eating a lot differently than I was three months ago, but every change was a manageable one for me that I knew I could keep up on and so it almost seems effortless. The hardest part for me was to be consistent, but I know I must to continue to lose weight and to keep it off in the future.

    Oh, one other thing, the time is going to pass whether or not you are working hard to lose the weight. You get to decide if you are going to be thinner or not when that time passes.
  • joanie4713
    Hi there I agree, I get the I want to eat (not hungry - but just want to eat), never really full. When I do feel full for some reason I feel guilty. Anyway my advise to you is the following, I keep small baby carrots and celery in the fridge, when I get the evening munchies I put some fat free ranch dressing in a small bowl and make myself a plate of veggies and dip. I hope this helps and good luck on your road to success.
  • rem1979
    rem1979 Posts: 344 Member
    I feel you really WANT to lose weight and I know I am at a point in my life when I am mature and can make my own decisions and controlling what you put in and more importantly, what you DON't put in your mouth. I have definitely had tempations but I am think before I eat. I think "Is it really worth it?" and I imagine myself in a shirt or shorts (which I haven't worn in over 10 years).

    I know people who always talk about wanting to lose weight and be thin but they never do anything about it. Though I have been overweight most my life, I don't feel sorry for overweight people. I am an adult and I can make my own decisions and I did this to myself.

    I watch Biggest Loser and Big Medicine and see lots of people in need of weight loss, but they have done this to themselves. It's amazing all the gastric bypass and plastic surguries people have had all because they couldn't control their eating. This is a GREAT motivator for me not to let myself get to that point and I fully respect people who do it on their own with proper eating and exercise.

    There are people on the Biggest Loser who have weighed over 400 lbs and lost it all. Of course their training is a little more intense than most people's but it is possible for those who weigh so much.
  • Happines6500
    I've been working out for about three weeks and counting calories for about two. Its getting harder and harder for me to keep it up, I really thought that it would get easier. Everytime I start a dieting and working out I quit after a month, I loose motivation. What's your motivation?

    Hi ...i agree with Rem1979 on the point of maturity and wanting to do it...thats what it comes down to really. My main tip would be its a lifestyle change not a diet ......we get too wrapped up in food when ur on a diet.......its not about thinking in weeks its about changing ur overall thinking...and doin it for life.

    Apparantly it takes 3 weeks to break and make a habit........whether they are good or bad......so try and continue ur routines till they become second nature and dont take it all so seriously.

    Remember by the way that having a bad day is only 24 hours.......and you can resume again tomorrow