
Has anyone got any low cal meals and alcoholic drinks they can suggest when eating and socialising. I love most foods (that is my biggest problem!) so am open to as many styles of food as possible please. I am doing so well until a night out is please, got a busy social weekend ahead of me xxx


  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    If I'm going out and have a low calorie budget, I stick to poultry and fish dishes without lots of cheese or other high calorie items like white sauces, etc. I drink water - that's always a huge calorie saver.
  • cathcox2015
    cathcox2015 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you for that...yep cheese and sauces are my downfall. If I can get through next weekend then I know I am in the zone! I have to get past my first big hurdle to know I can do this. Was 28 lb down now only 9 down, really upset with myself. Always socialising takes off track
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Do something social that does not involve food...
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    Salads with dressing on the side, is probably your best choice, or grilled chicken wraps, or burgers on lettuce beds (a personal fav.)

    For alcohol, your best choice for low-calorie is shots or hard liquor with zero-calorie mixers.
  • LifeNewandImproved
    LifeNewandImproved Posts: 125 Member
    I would not drink any alcohol. First, they are empty calories and chances are it's not going to fill you up (at least, the amount you should be drinking and still staying in your calorie budget, it probably won't.) Second, if you do drink, your mental defenses will fall and you'll be like oh F- it that looks so good and there goes your diet.

    I'm all for "everything in moderation" but with you having had so much trouble lately - I think a weekend of abstaining is a good idea since the "I can have just one" hasn't been working for you.

    And if the idea of abstaining strikes you with horror, I suggest that maybe you take a very hard look at yourself and the role alcohol has in your life. That is not a comment at YOU (nothing about your post suggests an alcohol dependency to me), that's just something I felt obligated to say in case it is an issue for you or anyone else who reads this.
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    If you must have alcohol vodka soda or rum and Diet Coke is a go to for me calorie wise. As for meals, I agree that sticking to salad with dressing on the side or some other lean protein dish without cheese or heave sauce is probably the best. When I go out I cut everything in half and eat only half my plate and have the server take away the rest or box it up. Most restaurants serve huge portions so this has been a good way for me to keep portions in control and therefore calories in control when going out.
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    I have not always found salads to be my friend when eating out. Even without the dressing! Instead, check the menu ahead of time, if you need, only eat half. Forget the alcohol. Take smaller bites to minimize the fact you are eating less. Enjoy the company.
  • cathcox2015
    cathcox2015 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you all for your suggestions. Salads definitely sound my best option. I will attempt to have half my meal and make a conscious effort to stay on track. My social event over the weekend is a cider farm tour but may have to have sips to taste it rather than pints!! It is a close family members birthday party so not easy to be too much of a party pooper!!! Wish me luck everyone...I want to be fit and healthy for the summer ☀