I'm hungry

Hello! My name is Michelle and I am not really new at this but I'm trying to be a little more vigilant about documenting my journey. I have been struggling with my weight for almost 20 years. I have about 90 pounds to lose and some days it feels like I'll never get there. I have a terrible habit of quitting when I don't see the results that I think I should be getting. I work far below my potential and the excuse I use is that I can't work out alone and I have no one to motivate me. I have recently looked into bariatric surgery and I'm not sure that's what I want to do. I'm scared of not losing weight because I am getting older and I'm afraid that my health at some point soon will begin to deteriorate. I'm also scared of actually losing the weight for a couple of reasons. One of those reasons being if the problem is actually not with my diet and exercise but more so with my mind and the way I think, bariatric surgery isn't going to help. Also I feel pretty guilty because, bariatric surgery will help me lose the weight that I need but it's not gonna help my family get healthy. I'm the one who shops for food I'm the one who prepares food, so I'm the one who needs to make the changes. It's been 20 years and I haven't been able to figure it out and I'm scared that I won't. I am currently seeing a nutritionist for the first time ever and I'm hoping that she makes an impact on me. I'm also seeing a behavioralist, I have to figure out why I do what I do maybe then I'll be able to control myself. I know I'm not the only one who struggles but some days I do feel alone.


  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    edited January 2016
    I think we're clones!!!! I absolutely hear what you're saying. I looked into Bariatric surgery about almost 4 years ago. They wanted me to lose 90 pounds before they'd do the surgery - something about doing the surgery at a specific point in the weight loss journey yielding the best results. Well, almost a year later, I'd lost the 90 pounds on my own. I was worried that 1) I wouldn't stick to the Bariatric diet regimen (with the shakes), and that 2) yes, it would help me lose weight, but I would still have to learn to eat right and to deal with my "inner demons" that got me to 376 pounds in the first place. I've always been able to gain weight REALLY FAST, but taking it off has been TRIPLE S-L-O-W. Yes, and it's taken. me 20 years some to figure things out a bit. Seeing a nutritionist is a BIG STEP and will help - behaviorist will help a lot too. I'm also seeing a therapist. Those things really helped me. A LOT. Since then I've had some things that really de-railed my efforts, but I'm back on plan again. Please feel free to send me a message if you have any questions or friend me.

    As far as the hungry thing - I told my nutritionist that, and she suggested I increase my fiber intake. I did that by getting Chocolite triple chocolate fudge protein bars from www.healthsmartfoods.com. (There are coupons for them on www.retailmenot.com). They have about 100 calories, 10 G protein, 10 g fiber, and are sugar free and gluten free. I've also gotten protein powder and fiber powder to add to foods from GNC. (Depending on the foods, of course.).
  • ritches77
    ritches77 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Michelle, I was just looking how to delete foods then stumbled on your post and inspired to say something to you. Please do everything possible before you get a surgery... I say don't get a surgery...Your story is about the same as my dear friend Kim. She went through the bariatric (stomach bi-pass) surgery and it about killed her from staph infection. Then 10 years later she was hospitalized because the lack of stomach produces no vitamin B. Now she has to have B shots. She also got back to being fat again. I feel so sad for her because I see her health deteriorate as she ages (currently 59) because of the bi-pass and eating habits. You are right that it's in the thinking. Try to re-frame in your mind that eating processed crap food is worse on you than good clean simple real food. Next time your at the meat department look at the marbled fatty meat cuts then look at the nice grass fed meat cuts. Now imagine every time you eat processed food your muscles and body will look like the fatty meat cut. The library has a book "4hourbody" it will show you food that is simple and clean and what to do about hunger. Also, research about gut bacteria, that alone will change your mind about surgery.
    You got this... declutter all the unfinished things/stuff in your life and house.....stay consistent and persistent!
    Sincerely, - Rich
  • EmilyNan
    EmilyNan Posts: 24 Member
    I've struggled with being overweight for for forever, too. Was always a chunky kid and in college, I gained the "freshman 50." I tried Weight Watchers and a couple of other diets, but at over 280 lbs I just felt hopeless. decided to have gastric bypass at the age of 21. I had the old-fashioned roux-en-y... It's not laparoscopic so the recovery was horrible! Anyways, I lost 100 lbs in a year but was still overweight at my lowest. My dr suggested a revision. Around this time I met a nice guy and we got married and pregnant soon after that. I gained a LOT during the pregnancy. Fast-forward to now: my 1st baby is 8 now. My 2nd baby is almost 7. I'm still struggling! I've gone on fad diets and had success with Medifast. Lost 70 lbs quickly in 2014 but gained it back quicker... Plus 20 lbs putting me at my highest recorded weight at tipping the scale over 300 lbs! Anyways, I'm almost 90 days logging and I've lost 36 lbs! I feel hopeful again. I'm not hungry. I don't break the rules. I only allow a little junk here and there and I weigh stuff as much as possible and I'm in control. After such struggle, disappointment in myself, and heartbreak I think I finally realized I just need to let the time pass. Like you, I get impatient and I want a quick fix. When I don't get the results I think I should have, I eat recklessly because I know I will just have to lose it somehow along with everything else. I have conquered this thinking! I hope you will rethink having gastric bypass... It isn't worth it. Medifast can give you a preview of what gastric bypass is like but you will suffer greatly with fatigue, hunger and dissatisfaction. The weight loss is amazing but you have to eat like a rabbit to keep it off. Sorry for such a long reply! Just thought I might share my story. :) btw I'm 33, 5'8.