MFP Nightmare

Not sure where to post this but here goes....

So last night as I was laying in bed drifting off to sleep I realized that I forgot to log the roll that I had eaten with my dinner. No big deal, I told myslef, I'll just add it in the morning.

Well my brain had a different idea. I dreamed all night long that the roll put me way over my calories and sodium (which it didn't) and that everyday I was over on both of these and no matter what I did I coundn't stay under!!!!! :cry:
Bad bad dreams for someone trying to lose weight!!!!

My question is, anyone else have MFP, exercise, nutrition, or diet related dream/nightmares?????:huh:


  • Sonofabiscuit2
    Sonofabiscuit2 Posts: 323 Member
    Not exactly a nightmare but I have had worries about it so bad that I was unable to get to sleep until I made the change.
  • jennywrens
    jennywrens Posts: 208
    I had a dream the other night that I weighed in at +12lbs from the previous week and was devastated!! I woke up in a bit of a sweat!!
  • donbet69
    donbet69 Posts: 133
    Did you log your tossing and turning into your exercise log???
  • SandersWifey
    SandersWifey Posts: 387
    Did you log your tossing and turning into your exercise log???
    :laugh: :laugh: I should!!!
  • skinnymeinaz
    skinnymeinaz Posts: 384 Member
    Did you log your tossing and turning into your exercise log???

    LMAO That is funny!
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Did you log your tossing and turning into your exercise log???

    You got jokes...

    And I like them :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • breskittle
    breskittle Posts: 75 Member
    haha, i actually had one about 2 nights ago. it was super weird!
    i did the same thing, kept freaking out because i was eating things i wasnt logging.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    When I first joined Weight Watchers, I had a few weeks of intense dreams focusing around food and problems with adding and subtracting points (math is not my forte and apparently I was worried that would ruin the WW plan for me). I remember waking up a few mornings and being all upset because I didn't know how many points something I ate in my dream was. After I got the hang of the program, my dreams got normal again.
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    I've had dreams that I've totally pigged out and then started feeling really guilty about it like I screwed everything up. But then I wake up and everything's ok. It's pretty rare I have these dreams though.
  • Treed79
    Treed79 Posts: 28 Member
    That's awesome! I thought I was the only who was that obsessed with my log.
  • tab143
    tab143 Posts: 29 Member
    OMG, it has already started to happen to me as well! Too funny...
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    not a nightmare, but i had a dream in which i was licking a spoon that i used for stirring my cake batter. i woke up drooling ALL over my pillow!!!
  • SandersWifey
    SandersWifey Posts: 387
    That's awesome! I thought I was the only who was that obsessed with my log.
    LOL I thought I was the only one too!!! Glad to hear I am not!! Was feeling sort of silly last night...:laugh: