2nd day of 30

Hi ......I am going to add a topic each day of my 30 day journey for Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, if you wish to read and comment great but I am doing this for me

I have been overweight for some time, basically alot more overweight since I quite smoking 5 years ago, i will tell you I am probably the best at maintenance as they get....I was once slim but it has been such a long time I can't remember.....the problem with me is I look in the mirror and don't see this fat person that appears in pictures.....it is very depressing......therefore hate pictures and avoid them......I am currrently 195.2 - 5'4 - I just can't seem to get out of 190 no matter how hard I try.....my problem also is it seems I will go strong for a week then start to slow down on both the exercise and eating.......not this time, I see how you all do this and I want this so bad as I am going to have our first grandchild this fall and hopefully a wedding next summer so I want to be that "hot" gramma and "hot" Mother of the groom!!! So I will journal each day for me!

I can't seem to load pictures so when I figure that out I will, I believe it is our computer we have a new one but until done our renovation I don't wish to set up.

Last night was the first day of shred and needless to say it was hard, I was sweating...had to take a couple of breaks. Today I got up at 5:30....much better, still had to take a couple of breaks but I will continue to do it, exercising in the morning is such a wonderful thing...for me...once I get my butt out of bed, it just sets your day.

Anyway here is to day 2 and to the first day of my journal

Enjoy today!


  • kirkemorgan
    Stay motivated, My fiance has been dieting for more than a year now and is making slow progress, I'm so proud, especially since she should have lost 120lbs the way she diets and exercises but she has a horrible metabolism that slows down fast and has only lost about 60lbs. She is now totally into the lifestyle. She has put on about 15lbsof muscle tho. Turn yourself into an Olympean
  • artificialdream
    artificialdream Posts: 24 Member
    I just started Day 1 Level 1 - today, myself.

    Not gonna lie, it kicked my *kitten*. :/

    Here's to progress for the both of us...all of us.


    Btw, I'm glad you started this thread, thankful to find someone who also *just* started the shred.
  • kikih64
    kikih64 Posts: 349 Member
    Good luck to you! You can do anything for 30 days, and once you see or feel results you'll be hooked.
  • amberlee2011
    amberlee2011 Posts: 129
    Hello! I am 5’3 and 194. I started last week at 196. I did the 30DS on Wednesday but missed it yesterday because I worked, got my hair done, and then had a marketing call from 7 to 8 p.m. for my side job. I really do want to complete the 30DS though. Thanks for sharing your story because it makes me want it that much more. Feel free to add me as a friend on here =)
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Fantastic journey for you. I love the 30DS, am now on my second round. It took me about 58 days to do 30 days the first time and I only managed Level 1 and level 2. But although I still find it tough I love it and the way it makes me feel strong. I am now on my second round and attempting Level 3, still doing the easier level. We are the same age, but I am 5'7" and about 213lbs. I'm a kgs person and keep converting. Good luck to you and I hope I see your post each day and follow your journey.