Father of 5 looking to lose 40 lbs

I'm so tired of always telling myself I'll address my eating habits tomorrow, it starts today, right now! Not after that 2nd bowl of ice cream, or the 8th slice of pepperoni pizza, but right now! I lost almost 30 pounds on myfitnesspal in 2014, so it works, but I didn't keep it off long enough for it to stay off, but not this time! This time I'm trimming the fat, I'm gonna work my *kitten* off...literally.


  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Good for you homie.
  • hlotsfan996
    hlotsfan996 Posts: 14 Member
    Wow that is awesome the app. Worked before I know you will be able to do it this time as well!!!!
  • jesathecat
    jesathecat Posts: 28 Member
    You go for it. Yes the app works just remembering to use it is my problem