Looking for friends wanting to lose 50 pounds or more



  • heatherkballard
    heatherkballard Posts: 19 Member
    I also would like to lose 70 lbs. to go from my current weight of 195 lbs. to 125 lbs., which is still on the chubby side for my height of 5'2"! I, too, have struggled with being overweight for most of my adult life and was a chubby overweight kid as well.... so much pain in my teenage years because of it! I enjoyed about 3-4 years of normal healthy weight in college, got married, had my precious babies-8 (!), and ended up at 215 lbs. as my top non-pregnant weight! I would go on diets and lose 10 here and there and gain it back around Christmastime! UGH! At one point I lost about 45-50 lbs. by just eating when I felt my stomach growl and stopping when just satisfied. Although this seemed to work, it didn't seem sustainable for the long run. But, it did teach me a few things, like, I don't have to clean my plate; I don't have to eat a full meal (half of what I want); I can share my food (there is always more); I should eat what tastes good to me (within reason); food is for fuel not comfort, love, etc....find other sources for those things! These ideas kept me from continuing to gain for the next 18 yrs., but I also wasn't willing to go the extra step and stop loving food, give up the sugar, and exercise regularly! On MFP, I am measuring my weight loss from 210 lbs. which is what I had been at for awhile. I am very serious this time, too, and have found that not only is eating a healthy (whole, natural, unprocessed) well balanced (stay away from bad carbs, but include fruit and whole grains along with low fat protein and fiber) low calorie (I am shooting for around 1200/day, but usually eat less) diet an important thing, but EXERCISE is a KEY component as well! They go together like PB&J! I plan to go to the gym 6 days/week because there is always things that come up, like today I am sick...so no gym! I usually do the elliptical for 1.5-2 miles in 30-40 min. and then weight training on the machines and dumbbells. My husband and I sometimes go an extra time and just do 3 more miles on the elliptical, usually on weekends right now but trying to find a way to go in the early morning...kinda tough since he is a night owl! He has to lose about the same amount as me, so that makes it nice that we are partners in this! I would love to "friend" any of you ladies that would like encouragement/support! I need it, too! Together we WILL make it! Have a fabulous day! :)
  • joanne_davies73
    joanne_davies73 Posts: 6 Member
    Same here. Have lost big amounts in the past only to gain it all again.
    Just got engaged a few days ago and am planning a wedding for next September. I refuse to wear a big sized dress and would love to look and feel confident and beautiful.
    Back on this diet now with a vengeance ☺
  • samchez0
    samchez0 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 50 to 60. I've started this journey many times but have never followed through and usually give up early on. This time I'm committed!
  • madisonreneem961
    madisonreneem961 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello! I've been overweight my whole life and now I'm 20 years old and looking to take charge of my health. Id like to lose 75-100lbs and I'd love to have some friends on here to keep me motivated!
  • weissclyde66
    weissclyde66 Posts: 9 Member
    Me too, i have about 120 lbs to lose and it will be a long road.... always can use the motivation!!!
  • Soccermama40
    Soccermama40 Posts: 4 Member
    I've lost 15 have 90 to go. Can use all the accountability I can get. Feel free to add me.
  • sassynsweet2014
    sassynsweet2014 Posts: 34 Member
    You can add me! I've lost 20lbs so far, but want to lose about 50-60lbs more. I don't really have my heart set on a number, I'll see how I feel when I get closer.
  • smayhew965
    smayhew965 Posts: 1 Member
    I have at minimum 50 lbs to lose. Feel free to add me. Need accountability buddies. ;)
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    I don't really need or want to lose 50 pounds; my original weight loss goal was 40 pounds. But hey, it'd be nice to have slim fingers again. And to wear mini skirts. So I'll see how I feel once I get nearer to my goal. Please add me. I want ALL THE FRIENDS ;)
  • chocolatedori1
    chocolatedori1 Posts: 20 Member
    I need to loose too, feel free to add me :-)
  • TipsooLady
    TipsooLady Posts: 18 Member
    I'm trying to get started again after dealing with breast cancer. Believe it or not, I GAINED weight during my treatment! (Yep, I'm a stress eater!) I now have about 100 pounds to erase and could use some friends who are on a similar weight loss journey. Feel free to add me.
  • mdd7458
    mdd7458 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on the weight yo-yo for my whole life. This time I am looking at it different. I would love to friends along the way.
  • ccrownlaurel
    ccrownlaurel Posts: 2 Member

    Hi, I've joined this site a few times with varying levels of success! I finally got down to 160 in 2013 but life happened and I'm back up to 210. I'm hoping to get down into the 120~140 range, depending on how things look. :) please feel free to add me! Looking to motivate & get motivation :)
  • LadyTapatia
    LadyTapatia Posts: 8 Member
    At one point I went to the gym everyday and I got down to 168 just to gain it all back. I've been overweight my entire life and I'm tired of it. I weigh 182 pounds and I'm 5'2".
  • Kellee4
    Kellee4 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi. I from Australia and I am 107kgs (235lbs). I am a married mum of one. I have always struggled with my weight and now I truly do want to change. Count me in :smile:
  • Carolina_Bella
    Carolina_Bella Posts: 1 Member
    I was about 15 lbs from my goal weight, then life happened :neutral: , now I'm 50 lbs away (Wow that's hard to admit). Feel free to add me! Eating (portion control) and little to no exercise is my problem.
  • luv2bowl6
    luv2bowl6 Posts: 62 Member
    I started this in the beginning of January weighing in at 207. I am already down 7-8 lbs and need to lose 50-60 more. So I can use all the motivation I can get too!!
  • totalpotterhead
    totalpotterhead Posts: 3 Member
    afigirl113 wrote: »
    I'm not new to the weight loss battle. I've lost huge amounts to just gain it back. I'm determined to lose it and keep it off this time, and I'm looking for friends who are looking to do the same!

    Hi! I would like to be friends :) send me an invite/friend request. I am a PCOS/PCOD victim and have been struggling with weight loss too. I have discovered that having a friend who is facing the same issues helps me.

    I need to lose 10-12 more kilos to get to the ideal weight for my height. Determined not to give up when I hit my weight loss plateau this time (I lose 4-5 kgs and then nothing happens, then I give up and gain 6 more kgs :/ ) will persevere to lose more.
  • totalpotterhead
    totalpotterhead Posts: 3 Member
    And this invitation is open to anyone who is reading this post :) anyone who wants to be friends and motivate each other is open to send me a friend request :)
  • SisterSueGetsFit
    SisterSueGetsFit Posts: 1,211 Member
    afigirl113 wrote: »
    I weigh 198 right now, would love to get down to around 140. I've got a lot of work ahead of me!

    This is almost EXACTLY where I am (196), aiming for 140. I'd love to be friends. Please feel free to add me if you're still looking for more friends/support.