Trying again!!.....again!

starr68 Posts: 62 Member
Hi, my name is Starr and I have struggled with weight issues since I turned 30 (or around that time) I am now 43 yrs old, a mom of two wonderful adults and Grandma to two beautiful girls, 5 and 2.The kids all live in a different city and I don't get to see them often enough. My daughter is getting married this November and I would like to be closer to my goal weight by then, if not there. I would like to lose about 20 lbs.
My downfall is snacking. I snack on chips and chocolate and between hubby and I , we will eat a large bag of chips in one sitting. I snack when I know I am not hungry and I keep eating when I am full. I KNOW what I am doing wrong, I just can't seem to stop doing it. I have tried other programs, and do well for a while, then just stop. I am my own worst enemy lol.
THIS time, my daughter and future son-in-law are ALSO taking this journey, so maybe that will help.
I look forward to talking with some of you, and getting and giving support along the way. Cross my fingers that THIS time will be different.


  • bigguy00
    bigguy00 Posts: 27
    Good luck in your journey. You can do it. To me this is a life style change because diets do not work. Stay with it, work hard and you should reach your goal in no time. Its hard at first to change your old habits but it sounds like you have a lot of support at home and here on MFP. Good luck and always remember YOU CAN DO IT.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    My mom did the same thing for my wedding. She went on the Medifast program and lost about 20 or 30. So it can be done!
  • crazyears
    crazyears Posts: 50
    Good luck! It will be great to have other family members who are trying to achieve the same goal. If you need extra motivation you have come to the right place.
  • CNYKrista
    CNYKrista Posts: 61
    You've come to the right place. MFP has been a godsend for me. I too LOVE chips! I now buy Baked Light Ruffles and Fat Free Pringles and they are just as satisfying. I will add you and you can maybe get some ideas from my diary. WELCOME!
  • rainbowbuggy
    rainbowbuggy Posts: 320
    Welcome! The best advice I can give you is....You only fail if you stop trying. There will be days when your doing very well - eating healthy, drinking your water, exercising, getting your sleep in - and then there will be days when you just feel like its all going to hell in a handbag - JUST DON'T GIVE UP. This site is full of support. Always someone willing to help and support. We all have days we fall off the wagon but we bandage our wounds and keep moving. Welcome! :-)
  • starr68
    starr68 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks for the suppord everyone. I am looking forward to the journey and reaching my goal.:tongue:
  • emyback68
    emyback68 Posts: 89
    Feel free to send me a friend request --- I totally relate to your issues (I am 43 and love to snack!). I find it is very hard to stop once I get started. I have had to just stop buying certain foods (though I can binge on anything, lately it has been cherries and crackers --- but at least its better than chips and candy!). Also, I find that I will ALWAYS overeat if I eat out of the box or the bag. If I portion out sizes as soon as i buy the item (store in small bags or tupperware), I am less likely to overeat.

    Good luck meeting your goals!
  • Yeoville
    Yeoville Posts: 9
    I with you - snacking is HUGE for me. I want something to eat, I don't know what, so I kind just walk around in my kitchen trying to justify in my head why I want and what I should have. Good luck with your journey !
  • lzdriluk
    lzdriluk Posts: 6
    Starr68 (Mom) We can do this together. We both know that. We both want it bad enough. I am here for you, and will support you through anything. Love you!
  • starr68
    starr68 Posts: 62 Member
    Love you too!!!!:love:
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    Welcome, Starr! I am also 43 and about to be an empty-nester. My son will graduate from college in December. I lost about 20-25 pounds over a year ago and managed to keep it off for a while, but then I gave in to all the cravings and the weight has started to creep back up. My husband is working with me this time, so maybe it will be easier. :)

    My husband asked me to stop buying chips and cookies and candy. I wasn't really on board with that, but I have found that it makes a real difference. If you don't have it in the house, you probably won't eat it. I often open the pantry, stare at the shelves, decide there's nothing I want and then just don't eat anything. Now if there were cheetos in there...who knows?!

    Best of luck to you in your goal. Got to take things one day at a time. Feel free to friend me, and maybe we can help each other out. :)