Calculating Exercise Calories


I'm relatively new to the forums, so if this is already a topic (or misplaced), please let me know and I'll remove it.

My BMI is right at 2,700 and I'm working to lose as much weight as possible, while still gaining strength.

I work out 5-6 days a week, 2 a days 3 days a week, and eat incredibly green/clean.

I would like to stay at about 1,600 calories, in an effort to burn 1-2lbs per week of fat (avg.).

How can I use my BMI + Exercise to accurately calculate my total net calories?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure it's a relatively simple algorithm, I'm just not getting it.



  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    If you are planning to use net calories i would use mfps guided set up(for activity level don't include exercise as a factor) and choose 1.5 for your weekly loss goal. Then be diligent and log all of your food and workouts. Be careful for exercise as many users have reported that excercise calories can be over inflated
  • bstrength85
    bstrength85 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you very much!

    I will continue to just track the food only in mfps instead.

  • ernestrodgers82
    ernestrodgers82 Posts: 204 Member
    edited January 2016

    I'm relatively new to the forums, so if this is already a topic (or misplaced), please let me know and I'll remove it.

    My BMI is right at 2,700 and I'm working to lose as much weight as possible, while still gaining strength.

    I work out 5-6 days a week, 2 a days 3 days a week, and eat incredibly green/clean.

    I would like to stay at about 1,600 calories, in an effort to burn 1-2lbs per week of fat (avg.).

    How can I use my BMI + Exercise to accurately calculate my total net calories?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure it's a relatively simple algorithm, I'm just not getting it.


    I track my exercise in MapMyFitness an app also by Under Armor. Then I link that to MFP. I find MapMyFitness to have more choices on exercise than MFP. Also, they talk to each other with no problem. Just one thing that you said, you want your NET calories to be 1,500 per day. That's probably a more realistic number to achieve. Good Luck!
  • meredithgir199
    meredithgir199 Posts: 243 Member
    I used to use a Polar HRM to track exercise but now I use the Fitbit Charge HR and ❤️ it! I have a sedentary job so I have MFP set that way and I have my MFP diary to allow negative adjustments and it syncs with the Fitbit. The Fitbit calculates calories burned throughout the day adjusts my MFP diary accordingly. The days I have great workouts, I eat back some of my exercise calories and the days I'm less active I eat according to the calories set for me by MFP.
  • QueenofHearts023
    QueenofHearts023 Posts: 421 Member
    Walking is my main source of exercise. I walk at a moderate pace, but I log it as slow. It usually does the trick for me.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I use a fitness tracker for mine. Set my activity at sedentary and let it do it's job.

    As for exercise calories I liked to log them prior to purchasing my tracker. Esp cardio and I didn't find them inflated for me. I liked keeping track of minutes worked out etc.

    However for weight lifting I typically logged it as 1 calorie burned as it's hard to calculate it.

    I then moved to TDEE so I didn't have to worry about exercise calories.

    As well I would caution you on your calorie goal of 1600. That is quite low for a man. I lose 1/2lb a week eating 1600 calories easy. Even tho I am very diligent with my intake and make sure my macros are in check I have had issues with hair falling out etc due to exercise calories and not getting in enough food this summer.

    Be wary of that sort of thing as have to feed your body to continue with exercise or it will run out of steam.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    When I was logging calories I would manually enter my weight lifting (Nautilus) and planks. I would let my FitBit and Runtastic sync. This would allow me to eat more calories and still stay under. I was running 30+ miles a week so I was definitely burning more calories at the time. The weight came off fast. I don't think you will build much muscle mass on a deficit but it will add some tone and give you something to build on when you can add some calories.