Too soon to run half marathon?



  • dreilingda
    dreilingda Posts: 122 Member
    Then you are good to go. That mileage should get you across the finish line easily. After your March HM, if you want to continue running, I would suggest you focus on base building up to 30-40 miles a week and mix in some mild speed work. I would also recommend the book "Hansons Marathon Method". Even if you don't want to run a marathon, it has a lot of great information about training physiology and plans. Cheers and good luck!
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    It's a really good time to work on nutrition and liquids before your goal race. Try to eat and drink something every 30-45 minutes. Many people use the gels. Try drinking water or electrolyte drink and see what works for you. Some people use salt tablets that you can find at running stores.
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    @dreilingda - Thank you! There's actually a full marathon I'm (very loosely) considering on June 18th. I'm going to see how the half goes in March and then decide if a full is something I want to do (and if I think that will give me enough time to train for it). Thanks for the recommendation!

    @rmdaly - I have gels and am definitely using Saturday to practice drinking and/or using nutrition so I won't have any surprises come March. I've tested the gels already to make sure they won't cause GI distress if I find I need to use them. Thanks for the tips.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited January 2016
    @Aed0416 - I hear what you're saying. I'm going to treat it as a training run and be sure to run a very comfortable pace. It's a really informal race - no bibs, no chips, and only 150 people, so I don't think I'll be tempted to run race pace. Thanks for the feedback!

    This is what I was going to suggest, although it's really hard not to run too fast in a race if it's your first time and you get caught up in the excitement.

    Back in '14 I did my first half marathon in forever after only doing 10 miles -- I'd intended to do a full 13 or 14 in advance but my training got pushed back due to an injury -- and it was fine. I just took it slow and aimed to finish.
  • brainsys
    brainsys Posts: 1 Member
    Do you currently run alone? Running in a group is much easier. Get it right and they will carry you the extra mileage. The key is knowing your comfortable mins/mile and clicking in with people running the same pace. Check your watch carefully for the first mile and move up or back to fit in.

    A half marathon is not an endurance event like the full marathon where the challenge usually comes after 17 miles when the body gets desperate. If you can do 10, you can do 13. Getting that into your head is important. Don't be afraid, just go out and do it! And enjoy it!
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    edited January 2016
    I am going to go against the crowd here and say don't do it. Your plan probably has you doing less miles next week and then alternating to more the following week. This is typical and the best way for your body to adjust to the longer distances. Going longer when you should be running less is a good recipe for injury.

    I speak from experience unfortunately.
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    @lemurcat12 - That's good to hear. I'll really focus on taking it slow. The running directions are confusing and the route isn't marked well so I'm thinking I'll need to stop every once in a while and make sure I'm going the right way, anyway.

    @brainsys - Yep, I run alone. That's part of the reason I was tempted to do the half this weekend, just so I could be around people. I keep telling myself that I can do it - still working on the mental aspect of it.

    @dewd2 - My plan has me doing 22 miles this week and 23 miles next week. Doing the half is only adding 2 extra miles to my weekly mileage so I don't think it's that big of a concern?
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    My two cents worth:

    1. The mental aspect is huge. I really, really wanted to run 13 miles in training before my first half. Got that done, the training run went well, and the last 4 miles of that first half were still a mental challenge. But at least I knew I could go the distance, even though it's different running in a crowd that gets you to run faster than easy.

    2. The physical aspect isn't as big a deal. 10 miles is probably enough to prepare you physically. I say "probably," because you said the 10 miles was hard. If the 10 miles was no big deal, I'd say 13.1 is possible. If 10 was hard, 13.1 might be a bit too hard.

    3. After my first half, I got a stress fracture. I came back, and only built up to 10 miles the week before my second half. I wouldn't have done a half that soon, except I was salvaging what I could out of a marathon entry fee. I ran that half, didn't run it hard, slowed down at mile 9 for the recovering foot, and it was still a mental challenge for the last 4 miles. Take that example for what you will; it may or may not have anything you can use.

    4. One of my running buddies has been doing iron man tris for years. He tells me that taking gels on training runs is important because you're training your body to digest food on the run. The natural impulse of the digestive system, absent such training, is to shut down so more energy can be devoted to running. That only gets you so far, but "so far" might be enough for something as short as a half marathon.

    5. The 10% addition rule is a very rough guideline. You need to pay attention to how your body feels to see what works for you. Canned plans can be helpful because they give you a pattern that has been good enough for many runners; but if you happen to need more recovery than the plan calls for, take the recovery. Couch time is No Fun At All.

    6. Running easy in a race is a great plan. I've never been able to totally follow that plan. I had planned to run easy for my 2nd half, but ended up running most of it at what I now regard as marathon pace. After a sprained ankle, I planned to run a 10 mile race easy; I ended up accelerating close to marathon pace after mile 7 and finishing with a cosmetic sprint. It's harder than you might think to get yourself to run easy when there are other runners around you.

    7. Those last 4 miles weren't a mental challenge for my 3rd and subsequent half marathons. I attribute this to having trained up to 16 miles or more on long training runs by the time I entered my 3rd half marathon. (I trained up to a 22 mile long run before my first marathon, and the last 4 miles of the race were a mental as well as physical challenge; but I don't think I'll go for any 30 mile runs before my 2nd marathon. There are physical limits.)
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    @SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage - Update!

    Thanks so much to everyone for the words of encouragement and advice leading up to this past weekend! Here's a quick update for anyone who might be interested.

    The day was perfect running weather - overcast and a little cool. I was incredibly nervous before the start of the race which led to several anxiety bathroom trips, but once I started running, those urges went away.

    The first 9 miles were great. My legs felt good and I was enjoying running in an area I haven't run before. At mile 10, though, I started to feel it and by mile 11, I hit a major wall. I had a gel at mile 10 which didn't help matters - my stomach started acting up really bad even though I had tested the gel before time.

    There were strong winds coming off the water and although I knew I could do it physically, the mental challenge of the last two miles were excruciating. I knew I was moving but it felt like I wasn't going anywhere. A little kid was holding a sign right before mile 12 that said, "you're doing great!" and I almost broke down crying.

    I can't tell if the last two miles were tough because I was had stomach pain and was physically exhausted from not pacing properly, or if I was mentally exhausted from not going that far before. Maybe a little bit of both.

    All that to say, I crossed the finish line to people cheering and clapping and that feeling was absolutely incredible. I finished with a time of 2:09:18 and am so looking forward to my next half in March.

    I keep thinking where I want to go from here in terms of training. There is a marathon on June 18th that I'd really love to do, but I'm not sure if that's too soon... maybe I'm feeling impulsive from my half marathon high. Any thoughts?

    Thanks again to everyone who gave me feedback last week - it helped tremendously!
  • jellebeandesigns
    jellebeandesigns Posts: 347 Member
    I would run it, slow and steady
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I would run it, slow and steady

    OP posted an update. They did.

    Great work OP. :)
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Glad you finished and enjoyed it at the end. Take it easy this week and allow your body to recover.

    Just an bit of advice - you want to take the gel before you hit the wall. After is too late. You should practice with gels in your long runs to get used to the routine. I plan ahead on when I will take the gels and do it at the same time in training.

    Of course my opinion is still to not do too much too soon. You made it through the half and hopefully it won't lead to injury.
  • EatSleepRideRun
    EatSleepRideRun Posts: 52 Member
    Well done you I've been running a while and I'd be happy with that 2:09:18 Happy days
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    Thanks, everyone!

    @dewd2 - Yep, I definitely need to practice more - that was apparent. I'll start using nutrition during my Saturday runs to try to find something that's easier on my stomach. Thanks again for the feedback.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    @SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage - Update!

    Thanks so much to everyone for the words of encouragement and advice leading up to this past weekend! Here's a quick update for anyone who might be interested.

    The day was perfect running weather - overcast and a little cool. I was incredibly nervous before the start of the race which led to several anxiety bathroom trips, but once I started running, those urges went away.

    The first 9 miles were great. My legs felt good and I was enjoying running in an area I haven't run before. At mile 10, though, I started to feel it and by mile 11, I hit a major wall. I had a gel at mile 10 which didn't help matters - my stomach started acting up really bad even though I had tested the gel before time.

    There were strong winds coming off the water and although I knew I could do it physically, the mental challenge of the last two miles were excruciating. I knew I was moving but it felt like I wasn't going anywhere. A little kid was holding a sign right before mile 12 that said, "you're doing great!" and I almost broke down crying.

    I can't tell if the last two miles were tough because I was had stomach pain and was physically exhausted from not pacing properly, or if I was mentally exhausted from not going that far before. Maybe a little bit of both.

    All that to say, I crossed the finish line to people cheering and clapping and that feeling was absolutely incredible. I finished with a time of 2:09:18 and am so looking forward to my next half in March.

    I keep thinking where I want to go from here in terms of training. There is a marathon on June 18th that I'd really love to do, but I'm not sure if that's too soon... maybe I'm feeling impulsive from my half marathon high. Any thoughts?

    Thanks again to everyone who gave me feedback last week - it helped tremendously!

    I'm so glad you had a successful race! Your time was very good. I was running 2x your weekly mileage when I was training for my first half, and was only hoping to make the 3 hour cut-off.

    I find I didn't need to do gels even up to 11 miles. I was going to maybe try Gatorade or something, but some people just don't like gels and honestly, the whole concept that you need to fuel is not universal. Often people bonk from inadequate training not from lack of food.

    I wouldn't sign up for the June Marathon unless you want an experience even more challenging than the one you just had? It's unlikely you'll be able to spool up your weekly miles enough by then. But sure you could probably complete a marathon (walking and feeling awful the last couple miles). Maybe sign up for another half in the spring and start training for a full in the fall? Anyways I'm so glad you completed it, every race is a learning experience and a notch in your belt.

  • jeepinshawn
    jeepinshawn Posts: 642 Member
    I have nothing to say but CONGRATS!
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Congrats on the half Marathon. I think you have plenty of time to build up to a June marathon. Plans for April marathons start in early january, with a half Marathon in March so you are ahead of schedule! The longest run in a marathon plan is usually 18-20 miles so you are not that far off that. I say go for the marathon!
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    Do it just don't push too hard
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the feedback!!

    @blues4miles - Thanks so much! I bought Nuun to try, also, and see if that sits better with me than the gels did. I'll play around with it. Building up my miles by June is what I'm worried about, also. I'm looking at marathon plans to see where I'm at.

    @_runnerbean_ - Thank you! That's why I was thinking the full would be attainable - I'd only have to build 7 more miles or so to my long run. I do know that a full is significantly more difficult than a half, which is why I'm looking into training programs to see where I'm at. It does seem possible, though!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I agree, you should be fine. My first half only had 10 miles as my longest run and I did great. In fact, the race was easier than training runs (yay for adrenaline!)