53 Years old want to lose 50 pounds

Hi, I am back on My Fitness Pal and I want to loose at least 50 pounds. I have struggled since my 30's with my weight. I have paid big money for metabolism pills and lost 70 pounds then gained it back. I am starting now to exercise at the gym. I go twice a week and do water aerobics, and I did a fat burning cardio at home last week. I hope there are other people that can help me keep on track as I really want to loose this weight and keep it off for good. I want to feel good again and now that I am older it seems harder.

Thanks Tina......


  • Less1leg
    Less1leg Posts: 3 Member
    I'm going after 60 pounds. I gained a ton of weight this past 18 months. Had a major problem with my Insurance Company funding my prosthetic leg. Well, I WON the fight but gained 30 pounds sitting on my *kitten*.
    My goal is to be under 200 pounds,
  • niksternoo
    niksternoo Posts: 21 Member
    I need to lose 60, long old road ahead! I'm walking a lot more and it appears to be working as I'm toning up....slightly. I'm cal counting which works for me and using hairy bikers recipes. Hubby and j did it before and I lost three stone and him 1.5. Got to do this and for life this time. I'm 46 and want to be here to see the grabdchildren grow up not stuck in a chair too fat to enjoy them or worse....

    Im using a Fitbit HR and would like friends on that too if any of you have one? It's very motivating. I walked 27.000 steps at the weekend which equates to about 13 miles. I was in a challenge with a friend and I won! I've got that 'I want to get fit' bug back again and whilst it's tough it feels good....nobody said this would be easy or pain free did they! Good luck ladies I hope you may add me as a friend and we can support one another
  • niksternoo
    niksternoo Posts: 21 Member
    Ladies and men I should have put! Sorry
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    I'm 53 and I'm shooting to lose about 50 lb. too. So far, so good, down 10 lb. just counting calories on MFP and riding my bicycle some. I wanted one more slice of pizza so tonight I rode 16 miles after dinner to bring my calories back within limits.
  • niksternoo
    niksternoo Posts: 21 Member
    Go you Paul! Fantastic attitude to having that extra slice. Well done on the 10lb too!
  • tstevenson42
    tstevenson42 Posts: 9 Member
    Would love to have you as friends. Not sure how to add.
  • Jacqbee
    Jacqbee Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Tina - I am 53 too and looking to loose at least 45lbs. It seems so much harder when you get to your 50's as your body and metabolism seems to work against you. But it is possible and I am determined to regain my health as I know if I go on the way I have been in the past 3 years, I am just going to get bigger and bigger.

    Exercise is really good and you look like you are making a really good effort there. I am waiting for a bad back to improve as soon as it is better I will be upping my exercise. At the moment I am only managing to do some walking.
    We get into such bad habits both with eating and exercise. It has taken us a good time to get this way, so we must be patient that it is going to take a good while to get this weight off again. Perhaps we can encourage each other to keep us going through those times when you just want to give up and go back to old habits. Quite a few people at work are overweight and doing Weight Watchers, so that is a help to me. Once we see results it should spur us on! xx
  • CherylKillian
    CherylKillian Posts: 4 Member
    I will be 50 in July. 5 years ago I was in best shape of my life. recently I quit smoking and started to pack on the weight :( so here I am again! I reuse to start smoking again but need to lose at least 40 pounds!!