
TaraTall Posts: 339 Member
What sort of things do y'all do with your avocados?
I often mix it with tuna/chicken to make a chicken salad kind of thing.
I've also done that cook an egg in it and on my sammiches.
Of course, the quac is a staple too.

What other ways do you use an avocado and do yours stay fresh for at least a day once cut?


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Most often I take a half to work and just salt it and scoop it out with a spoon. I also add it to salads and sandwiches and it's good sliced up on my oatmeal with some good hot sauce.
  • kmsoucy457
    kmsoucy457 Posts: 237 Member
    All of the above. Creams up a smoothie very nicely, too.
    I heard a new one today. Apparently the internet is now calling avocadoes "hipster apples" hehehe
  • Tnangaley
    Tnangaley Posts: 18 Member
    Mash with lime juice, salt, red pepper... eat on Light rye Wasa crackers. Delicious!!!!
  • MurpheysA
    MurpheysA Posts: 15 Member
    Following this, I've recently learned how good they are and that they're pretty good to eat, would like to know what else to use them for beside guacamole lol.
  • TaraTall
    TaraTall Posts: 339 Member
    kmsoucy457 wrote: »
    All of the above. Creams up a smoothie very nicely, too.
    I heard a new one today. Apparently the internet is now calling avocadoes "hipster apples" hehehe

    Just pop it in the smoothie? Like instead of yogurt or something??! Wowza.

    Also, hipster apples. Appropriate.
  • marsairforce
    marsairforce Posts: 3 Member
    Ok, so yesterday I made this thing:
    I put some olive oil in a cast iron pan.
    Added some crushed red pepper flakes (spice thing)
    Then I cubed up some firm tofu and cooked it in the oil to soak up the spicey flavor.
    Then I also cubed up an avocado and put it into that.
    I ate it on some rice noodles.
    It was new for me, but very delicious.

    I also use avocado when I make egg salad. Instead of using mayonaise, just take 2 or 3 hard boiled eggs, mash in some avocado, and hten put it into toasted bread. It tastes good like egg salad. Is likely better for you. It does look a little odd the green and white colors. But I kind of like it. Add paprika if you like that too.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I eat avocado on toast for breakfast; it's especially good on marble bread.
  • Toronto6fan
    Toronto6fan Posts: 416 Member
    When one of my kids needed to gain weight I used to mix it in everything, it made banana bread really moist.
  • chimpy123
    chimpy123 Posts: 40 Member
    I eat it on toast too! Add a hard boiled egg or two and some chopped up cherry tomatoes. Or I put it in a kale smoothie - 1/4 cup frozen pineapple, 1/4 cup frozen mango, 1 cup kale, 1/4 avocado, 1 tbsp. chia seeds, 1 cup coconut water (give or take depending on how thick you like your shake), and one scoop vanilla protein powder - delish!
  • floresceleste28
    floresceleste28 Posts: 3 Member
    I use it with multi grain toast, egg white, and tomato. To keep fresh after you cut it a lime should do it .. Just squeeze over it.
  • mjwarbeck
    mjwarbeck Posts: 699 Member
    Chop and add to a salad or a sandwich
    Guacamole for Mexican style dishes
  • BrownsFan19
    BrownsFan19 Posts: 117 Member
    What healthy things/snacks can you dip into guacamole? Feel like I'm eating tons of calories of I use chips.
  • Janehds0284
    Janehds0284 Posts: 87 Member
    Fresh salad, smoked salmon, red onion, cherry tomatoes, half avocado. You will get somewhere around 250cal :)

    quick and easy. No salad dressing need because salmon already had strong flavour
  • kmsoucy457
    kmsoucy457 Posts: 237 Member
    @TaraTall Yup, or with the yogurt, or instead of banana. It's hard to detect an 'avodadoey' taste unless there's a lot of it, but even 1/4 (the recommended serving size, which I think is otherwise ridiculous) makes the smoothie very rich and silky.
    I'm having some tonight diced, on top of Chipotle-style sofritos cantwaitcantwait

    Also, on preserving: floresceleste28 already mentioned lime, which works well, but in addition you can leave the pit in, put it in a baggie and squeeze all of the air out so the plastic is touching the flesh. The less air that gets to it, the less it browns. I've gotten up to 3 days out of this method.
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    i just love it as it is.
  • TaraTall
    TaraTall Posts: 339 Member
    So I tried it in my smoothie this morning, super smooth and minimal taste over load. I tried wrapping it too so we will see tomorrow AM how it held up.

    Y'all are so creative!!

    Veggie sticks & rice crackers are my top 'healthy' items. Though nothing beats a good old tortilla chip! <3
  • dklibert
    dklibert Posts: 1,196 Member
    There is an older thread from Jan. 25th you should look at too. A few ideas there as well. community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10322586/avocadoholic#latest
  • TaraTall
    TaraTall Posts: 339 Member
    Gracias. I did a quick skim, definitely not far enough.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Love avocado! Aside from the usual uses, I usually keep some chopped avocado in the freezer and sometimes use that instead of a frozen banana in a smoothie. I also like making avocado pudding once in a while (blend an avocado with a couple tbs of unsweetened cocoa powder and sweeten to taste with honey). Makes 2 or 3 servings.

    I've found if you seal the unused half (leave the pit in) into a Ziplock with a little piece of tomato, the avocado will stay fresh for several days. It starts to turn by about day 3.