It's me!

Hello all.

I'm Jen, in Boston MA. I'm a single mom to two kids on the Autism spectrum. Because of the challenges raising my boys, I used to reward myself for getting through each day with snacks. I've struggled with my weight since my early 20's, and after a nasty divorce and depression I ate my way up. I'm sedentary by nature, so little exercise comes my way ;-).

I'm in this for many reasons - tired of being asked if I am pregnant, tired of being tired, avoiding the possibility of diabetes, living longer for my boys, and just general better health.

I need to lose at least 30 pounds, and recording my eating will help (helped when I had gestational diabetes).

Hope to talk to at least some of you soon!


  • merlimax
    merlimax Posts: 57
    Well we are now friends and hopefully we can get through this weight loss program together . I'm half way to my first goal of loosing 60 pounds and I hope I can help you loose yours too
  • Emismom77
    Emismom77 Posts: 56
    Hi Jen! I'm Mandy, 34 & have a daughter. I have around the same amount to lose myself. I am Insulin resistant... so my body doesn't process sugars the way it should and it seems no matter what I do, the weight just continues to hang around. I think you can still snack, just snack on healthy things. I'm in GA & in the South, watermelon & peaches are big this time of year... nothing wrong with snacking on that & your kids will like it too. I'll be sending a friend request & will be here to help you along. Good luck with your journey to an improved you. :happy:
  • bringit30
    bringit30 Posts: 103 Member
    I am in Maine and also a mother of 2 boys, one of which has Cystic Fibrosis. I am aware of the challenges we face. I feel as thought I don't have time for myself because my boys are my #1 priority. I also have 30 lbs to lose, but 1/2 pound at a time the weight is coming off. I find my exercising consists of picking up toys, cleaning and dishes after the boys go to bed. I used to eat when I would get "stressed out" when the boys were acting out (ages 4 and 1). I have found that counting my calories and trying to keep my calories healthy has really made an impact on my attitude! I have only lost 7 lbs so far, but I already seem to be "happier" and since starting this website, it gives me something else to keep my mind active rather than thinking about all the other less happier things going on. STAY POSITIVE! :) We can get through this one day at a time.
  • tambink
    tambink Posts: 349
    Hi, Im Tammie and I welcome you here. I had the same problem wanting to snack all the time but now I have lost 57 pounds and need to loose about 70 more Im working hard to eat right and feel good. Im like you I hate feeling tired all the time and people asking are you having a baby NO Im fat so I started this and I plan to work hard and loose all of this. MFP has been a great support for me. I hope that we all can help you as well in supporting you through this . I will add you so hope you have a great day and good luck.:smile:
  • wanderson99
    HI! Good luck to you. I think you can snack, just snack healthy. I love a handful of almonds or an apple sometimes does the trick. I recently discovered celery with peanut butter (I know, it's not new, but new to me). I have one or two stalks of that and it satisfies my sweet tooth. I don't use anywhere near two tablespoons per stalk, but just enough to satisfy a craving. Have you ever tried Edamame? (sp). I get the steam packages in the freezer section and even my boys (who are not vegetable fans) love them. They like to take the pods apart. I put sea salt on them and it is much healthier.

    As to the fatigue...are you drinking enough water? I read that being dehydrated can cause fatigue. Increasing your water intake will help in your weight loss battle and help give you energy. Sounds simple, but it does work. Keep track of your water intake on MFP and make sure you are getting enough water. Last, I'm not a doctor, but every doctor I have been to, advises me to take Omega 3s and Vitamin D. Google it. It is like a miracle cure for me and my son who has ADHD. It helps my depression, fatigue and fibromyalgia, etc. That is my experience. HONESTLY, I'm not plugging a product here, just relaying my real experience on something that has helped me immensely! Good luck! And God Bless!
  • onmyweightohappiness
    onmyweightohappiness Posts: 151 Member
    Welcome to MFP feel free to add me if you want. Love having people to support me as well as people to support! The support is whats kept me motivated the last year!