Has Anyone Seen my Motivation?

scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
Ok...first, a few confessions.

You won't see it in my food diary, but I've been a bad girl this week. Too much wine, and 2-3 days spending some time with a few guys named BEN and JERRY. Why I let them into my home to tempt me, I can't say.

I know that by not logging everything, I'm not doing myself any favors.

Additionally, I skipped Zumba last night. :(

So here's the deal, it's just been one of those weeks. Have been feeling kind of down and with that comes virtually no motivation. It's a vicious cycle...feel down, skip exercise, eat and/or drink more, feel worse.

The problem is that I'm not the greatest self-motivator, and if not for that (and of course people here) I have virtually no support system or motivation. I'm single...as in SINGLE single...not even dating anyone at the moment. So there's no one at home to cheer me on. I live alone...no kids. And I've been unsuccessful to date trying to get my cats to cheer me on. After I leave work, I'm on my own the great majority of the time, and quite frankly, I just get bored sometimes -- and on weeks like this, I lose my focus. On the up side, when I'm really motivated, I've got plenty of time to exercise!

So that's my story for this week. Tonight I plan on buying 30 Day Shred and starting it. I have no more motivation tonight than I've had all week, but wallowing in negativity isn't the way to go. Hoping the clouds will break soon and I can get my happy (AND my motivation) back.


  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Forgot to add, I've been smoking steadily for a few weeks now. When I first started all of this I wasn't smoking, but now I can't seem to kick it. :(
  • AEisele
    AEisele Posts: 98 Member
    It's realy hard to stay motivated when you live alone. But there are still things you can do. But first you have to be a little crazy! I don't live alone but I live with temptation (weekends with my family) Now for the crazy part. I post notes to myself everywhere! Don't laugh, it works. In the fridge......Do you really want to eat that? On the mirror.......So have you done your workout! You look marvelous! (posive talk helps too) Near the phone.........Be good to yourself. Your worth it!

    The problem when you live alone is there is no one to tell you the good things about yourself. So friend me and I'll give you a positve though each day! You can do this. You are worth the time. don't give up!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Motivation comes and goes for everyone, it happens. Just do your best to get through it. Definitely start to log everything - like it or not. No sugar coating this experience! Even if you can't see it now, logging will help in the long run when you do feel more motivated.

    I can completely relate to the other stuff because I live alone too. I do have a dog though, which forces me to get out of the house and usually go for hikes on weekends, thus burning calories... Perhaps you could borrow a friend's dog for a walk? Also, have you heard about www.meetup.com ? Maybe you could find some workout groups nearby or at least others to hang with. And if not, at least keep coming back to MFP, because we're all supporting you!