Has anyone tried Spinning?

Hi everyone!
I was wondering if anyone does Spinning as I have just signed up for classes. Please tell me your experiences and is it really hard? Thank you!!


  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    It was hard. I didn't keep it up and opted for running because my butt and inner thighs just couldn't get used to the pain from the seat - of course I could have been doing something wrong.

    Just seemed that it took everything out of me on the stand up sprints that I couldn't lower myself back to the seat softly enough! Hahahahaha

    Good luck! Many of my coworkers love it but I am more of a leisurely Saturday afternoon to the park bike rider
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    I enjoyed it, but it made my bum really sore, haha. If i ever end up taking a serious class, i would probably need to get padded shorts. It was really fun and high energy though! (the only reason i never do it is because that classes are usually only early morning and thats when i run) :)
  • nileighttig
    nileighttig Posts: 148 Member
    I did my first spinning class a few months ago and it totally tests your fitness in a different way to anything else. I was so sweaty and huffing and puffing but luckily most classes only last for 35 minutes so it is doable. When we were told to pedal standing up i couldn't manage it for more than a minute or so but now i can keep up with the rest of the class. Your knees will ache and you'll get a sore butt from the seats (another reason to pedal standing up!) but your fitness will improve dramatically. Good for it! xxx
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I was really afraid of spinning. I didn't think I could keep it up for an hour. But I tried a class and, while I wasn't as fast as everyone else, I was able to finish. My tushie hurt for a few weeks of classes, but now I feel great. I highly recommend it! It is a really great cardio workout!!
  • LexyDawn
    LexyDawn Posts: 113
    It's awesome! a really great lower body and cardio workout. Really fun too and having an instructor really pushes you more than you might push yourself.
  • LesmillsJunkie
    I love spinning! It can be very intense, and difficult, but the pounds just melted off of me. Remember as you are starting that no one controls the bike but you. If you feel like you have all the resistance on that you can handle then don't turn it up when the instructer tells you too. If you can't stay in a climb sit down. It's okay not to be able to do it all in the beginning. Just keep peddling. It gets better
    Also remember that your backside is going to hurt the first time, and worse the second time from the saddle. But after the third you hardly notice anymore. ENJOY
  • LexyDawn
    LexyDawn Posts: 113
    Oh yeah, if you're not used to cycling you butt will be sore the first few times...
  • Emma1903
    Emma1903 Posts: 195
    Spinning is a great workout, yes it is hard, yes it will hurt after your first session. Just see if you like it or not
  • easpitz
    easpitz Posts: 2 Member
    Like any new exercise, it was difficult at first. Give yourself at least 2 weeks to get used to it. Also, try out different instructors - they all have their own unique style, music, etc . . . If you really like it, you may want to invest in cycling shoes as they will make a dramatic difference. I've now been spinning for 2+ years and absolutely love it! It is a great calorie burn and cardio workout. Good luck!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I thought this post said swinging....:(
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    I love it! Each instructor is different and each workout is different and I do have a padded seat because the 1st class was killer on my butt.

    Take it at your own pace until you get used to it....tell the instructor yo are new so they set you up on the bike the right way. bring a towel because you do sweat buckets and a water bottle or 2.

    I have been doing this for months now and it is a blast....fun music and a quick workout where time flies.

    You do not bulk up your legs do not get huge. I do it 3 to 4 times a week and have maintained thigh size and actually got trimmer in other places.

    If the instructor seems tough remember they are there getting thier own workout too. Get a heart rate monitor or just use your rate of percieved exertion to guage if you should add or reduce tension on the bike and guide yo with what you can handle.

    Have Fun!
  • mariumosman
    Thanks everyone for your input and comments. If I don't try it, I wont know if I like it!! I'll start off slowly and hopefully work my way through it!! Thank you!!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I found it quite easy (I've got strong legs...!) and boring....... so I'm not a fan.
  • lizzil0
    lizzil0 Posts: 181 Member
    I really enjoy it- great cardio, you'll get sweaty. I take 4 classes a week but they break up spin with other stuff (spin/yoga, spin/trx, spin/boxing) so you're only on the bike for 25 minutes. But those 25 are full on, I can't imagine going that pace for a full hour. I've only been taking these classes for a moth and actually had a conversation today with my instructor about how improved I am in just a month. So even with the first couple classes if you are feeling like you're dying- it gets easier, well, maybe not easier but your endurance will build. Have fun!
  • mariumosman
    Thanks once again everyone!! I'm going to go for it. No pain, no gain!! :bigsmile: