First Time Doing This

Hi my name is Dana. I've been on several diets but nothing like this online. I was wondering how this works. I'm willing to try....try...and's easy for me too start. But I always give up.


  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    For me, counting calories has been the only thing that makes total sense. You might quit this too, idk, thats up to you, but its pretty simple. Put a little effort in up front, learning about calories in food, getting a digital scale to weigh your food, logging everything, and perseverance it will work. Read the forums, get some friends, find some exercise you enjoy and voila! it really is up to you though.
  • mari_ale
    mari_ale Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my name is maria and I just started my very determined diet.. and I'm hoping this helps too good luck :)
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    Treat your calorie allowance like a monetary budget. Some things are worth the splurge - others are not and you'll be left hungry. This is a cut and paste from my Mums weight management tips:

    My Mums tips:
    - She didn’t double-up protein sources e.g. no meat and dairy in the same meal. One or the other.
    - She didn’t double-up carb sources e.g. pasta, rice, potatoes, pastry, bread OR oven chips in a meal- never more than one, sometimes none.
    - She did do lots of green veg with every meal
    - She grilled, baked, boiled, poached and steamed where possible
    - She was an expert at mixing flavours and using lots of herbs and spices (her spice, and condiment cupboard was enormous!)
    - She didn’t do dessert in the week (unless 2 or 3 tinned peach slices for sweetness or an apple, maybe a small cookie if we had to) – but did bake a proper pudding on a Sunday and indulged in a regular-small sized piece, often with custard or ice cream.
    - She also practiced portion control- and if we left any of our dinner, we had to finish it (cold- no microwaves back then) before we could have a snack or dessert. No seconds! Ever!
    - She drank once a week- 1 -2 glasses of wine on a Sunday.
    - She skimmed most of the fat off food and cooked with a minimum of added fat.

    Most of all- for a regular everyday meals:
    - She didn’t add the extra garnishes e.g. cheese on top, parmesan shavings, honey drizzle, sprinkle of seeds or nuts, swirl of cream, drizzle of olive oil, crisps on the side, salad dressing (only neat vinegar), butter on vegetables, sugary sauces, fried onions, cream or ice cream on the side, bacon-wrap/ topping, croutons, dips, garlic bread, dinner rolls- and NO mayonnaise etc.

    Try not 'drink your calories'- hot chocolate, beer, lattes, sodas etc. They are a waste and will leave you short for calories for food. (If you have them spare- then go for it though!)