Am I obsessing?



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Don't delete them. Just save them in a folder where you won't see them. Believe me, I still cringe when I look at my bikini shot from last summer, but put it next to me now and I feel fantastic. :smile:
  • Hi I don't post much but had surgery and am planted! I was just talking about this subject with my friend's 13 year old daughter. I have 5 boys but I was remembering how much time I wasted when I was a teen and in my 20's obsessing over parts of me that I didn't like. Like someone else said, I wish I realized how lucky I was then and just enjoyed the good parts of my body and other parts. Let me point some things out to you-Maybe they will give you perspective?
    You have no wrinkles! Omg I had no idea how lucky I was and how much I would not enjoy wrinkles when they started coming in my 30's. My skin was wrinkle free and beautiful- enjoy it- it is a wonderful part of being in your teens and 20's
    If you're at a good goal weight and you are healthy- without being skinny, just be happy there and work more on your fitness if anything but don't starve yourself.
    I think one of the hard things when you're young is comparing yourself to your friends or family and trying to have a body like someone else's when it's just not possible, instead of accepting your body type and making the best of it and being at peace
    I'm STILL working on that but I'm getting better-

    Your pre-child body is unscathed by pregnancy! Enjoy it! You don't know what your body will do when it's pregnant hehe. I was so blessed to not get stretch marks on my stomach with my 5 pregnancies- however, my legs did not fare so well and I had to have a few vein surgeries which left my once pretty legs all scarred and still with lots of spider veins. I didn't know how good I had it- I was always too busy obsessing over the tiny bit of cellulite I had on my legs.
    Try to learn to accept your body type and just be healthy but be grateful for what you have- look around- you are probably one of the luckier girls out there people would kill for your body!
    Also as far as your face, I really think altering your face with plastic surgery especially at 22 would be something you'd regret. Youth alone will be enough beauty for you- even if each of your features isn't exactly as you'd like it. I think that people who have facial alterations usually look strange. I have never had a full upper lip and always hated it but every girl with plastic surgery lips looks strange. I'd rather have a thinner lip than people look at me and think I look odd!
    Pick the features you like- and really play them up and you'd be shocked how much no one even notices the things you are wanting to alter-
    I think some counseling might help you too- body image can be really injured in your teens- I know mine was and I am still working on what is real and what is false from bad input.
    I know it was wordy but I hope something might help- I'm also on pain killers for my foot ! haha feel free to inbox me and I'll send you a friend request. You're a beautiful girl- don't change a thing :-)

    Thanks doll-I know in ten years I'll be wishing I look like I do now- I used to complain about what I looked like when I was 17 and now I'd do ANYTHING to look like that again!!! So I do need to learn to <3 myself , I'm just so damn insecure . Maybe just a chin implant n I'll stop there. And a counselor is a great idea. I just might do that. :)
  • All together I've lost 12 lbs- I'm 3 lbs away from my weight loss goal. I think I may be obsessing, but I'm now wanting to lose 10 more lbs- I'm 5"10 and currently weigh 148.8 - would 138 be too small for someone my height? and since I've been on this exercising and eating healthy kick ( or hardly eating n e thing at all) I'm becoming more and more obsessed with my looks.... I'm now wanting plastic surgery but I'm only 22- chin implant, Botox in my lips, possibly a nose job, and lipo.... I want to look like the Victorias Secret models..... Am I going overboard!!!!??? Should I get help?

    Ironically, I am going through the exact same thing. Just last week I was looking at VS and said "I want a boob job." But later thinking about I don't know what I said that. I don't want to be judged by the size of my knockers or get more attention because of them. It's hard to do because all women are so critical of their looks. But look deep inside and you'll find your true

    happiness......oh...and I'm not looking at VS anymore!

    Lol!! :):);)
  • All together I've lost 12 lbs- I'm 3 lbs away from my weight loss goal. I think I may be obsessing, but I'm now wanting to lose 10 more lbs- I'm 5"10 and currently weigh 148.8 - would 138 be too small for someone my height? and since I've been on this exercising and eating healthy kick ( or hardly eating n e thing at all) I'm becoming more and more obsessed with my looks.... I'm now wanting plastic surgery but I'm only 22- chin implant, Botox in my lips, possibly a nose job, and lipo.... I want to look like the Victorias Secret models..... Am I going overboard!!!!??? Should I get help?

    Ironically, I am going through the exact same thing. Just last week I was looking at VS and said "I want a boob job." But later thinking about I don't know what I said that. I don't want to be judged by the size of my knockers or get more attention because of them. It's hard to do because all women are so critical of their looks. But look deep inside and you'll find your true

    happiness......oh...and I'm not looking at VS anymore!

    Lol!! :):);)
  • I think both of yall are beautiful!

    I am 5'11'' and my goal weight is 160 and I think that's too small! But everyone's body is different, I have a very large and broad frame but I'm sure yours might be smaller.

    After most women have plastic surgery because they 'hate' their looks, they realize after that they are still unhappy, and they realize its a psychological issue and not a physical one. I would reconsider surgery and pursue counseling. Don't make rash decisions over surgery, especially if you are young, because you might regret it later. Your body is still changing and growing.

    I have a pretty tiny frame. So I'd like to get to 140. And I'll definitely consider the counseling. I think it might do me sum good.
  • sswift76
    sswift76 Posts: 37 Member
    No one is ever eyed girls want to have brown, straight haired girls want to have curls, it's age old. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. You just have to accept yourself for who you are, believe you are beautiful, and you will feel that way. Plastic surgery is gross. Ever see "Real Housewives" ??????? Yuck!! It's easy to say, but if you think all that will make you happy, you're wrong. YOU have to make YOU happy! Nothing and no one else can do it.....

    That's very true- but honestly hun, my self esteem is so low I'd change my entire face if I could afford it- then at least I could blame my ugliness on all the plastic surgery. I'm trying though, it's difficult. :(

    Hang in are a beautiful and worthy person :):)
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