Emotionally draining week

BrieGoorts Posts: 48 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
This week has been hard, I have lost all motivation to eat right, and exercise.
The other day I found out that a good friend of mine has been told that she has until August, until her cancer full takes over, and she leaves us... This August, not next August, or August 20 years from now. At the same time I'm buying my first house, and my family isn't supportive at all in the decision that my husband and I are making, yea it's not a fancy brand new place but its what we can afford and it'll be our home. My family openly hates it, and talks down almost every chance they get.

I can't help but think, with what's going on with my friend, my problems with weight are so miniscule in comparison. Life is too short to focus on not liking my body. Here's someone who was never able to have children, just barely 30, and has been given about a 2 month time frame.
Then there's me, just 24, I have a beautiful baby boy, and a wonderful husband, everything she wasn't able to have, and yet I still find something to be dissatisfied with?

I don't understand life anymore. People who have the world before then, take it for granted and still manage to find something flawed with their beautiful lives. And then there are those who don't have long, and wake up every morning with a smile, and hopes to make the day easier for everyone else.

I don't have anyone to talk to, and I thought maybe, I could find some supportive insight from everyone here..
I'm sorry for the seriousness...


  • So sorry to hear about your friend! And congratulations on your house! My family always has their "opinion" on what my husband and I should be doing and tend to be a little (ok a lot) critical. It's gotten better over the years but I think that's because we do our own thing, lots of times not even mentioning to them what we are "up to" until afterwards.

    Hang in there, spend lots of time with your friend, hug your husband & son!
  • caitlinsmum
    caitlinsmum Posts: 55 Member
    Sorry to hear you are coping with such difficult situations. I don't have advice, but would like to offer a hug :flowerforyou: I guess the one thing you could take from this to motivate you, is that you are blessed with your husband, baby and soon your own home and perhaps you would like to improve your health and well-being so that you can enjoy of all this for all the years to come..
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    I am so sorry about your friend and what you are going through. But thinking about your health isn't foolish. You have to take care of yourself in order to take care of those you love. I wish I could say something helpful, but please just know that this is a great support site. We are here for you.
  • bethmakesmusic
    bethmakesmusic Posts: 164 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about everything that's going on right now. I wish I could offer a hug and a shoulder to cry on, but in absence of that, I can and do offer my support and prayers. Congrats on your hubby and baby. What an amazing blessing! I hope you can enjoy what you have and your blessings in honor of your friend. I'm sure she would want you to love your life.
  • Well...that certainly is alot to deal with and it is very hard to stay motivated with all of that going on. Someone once told me that focusing on helping other people instead of sitting in the gloom of our own current situations helps. I think that if you take the time to try and add positive, happy moments to the life your friend has left, you may find yourself less worried about all the other things. Also, with family, sometimes they know best, sometimes they don't. In the end, you took your vows and became one with your husband and now, with a son, you have your own family so to speak. You and your husband have to grow together and make memories as well as mistakes, have success as well as failure just like all of the people in your family who are advising you against your purchase and anything else to do with your marriage and the decisions made within it. Just remember that, in life, no one makes the right decisions everytime and even if they seem like they do, there is always something that comes along. Your friend's situation is very unfortunate but we all have our time(to live and die) and our own personal struggles. God bless you and your family(no offense if you aren't spiritual). Hope things start to look up :). Also, getting a little bit of exercise in, even if its just a walk, can certainly help not just your weight but your mood too.
  • BrieGoorts
    BrieGoorts Posts: 48 Member
    Thank you so much everyone, this was the support I needed so much. My son loves my friend, and I'm planning on utilizing every moment we have together with taking him to fun places, like the park or the beach, and have all of us enjoy and experience each others company to the fullest. This is the hardest time I've ever experienced. Yes I've experienced death before but never this way, knowing that the "end" for them is coming..
    People like all of you on this site is just what I need right now...
    Again thank you!
  • harpalind
    harpalind Posts: 7
    I'm sorry to hear about your friend, please enjoy as much time as you can with her or him, and please keep on working on your own health and happiness for that is the best thing you can do for yourself, your husband and your son, and I'm sure your friend wouldn't want it to be any other way.
    Congratulations on your new home, make it your own in ways that make you and your little family happy whether or not your family will support it.
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