spagheti squash ????

borac Posts: 174
edited September 19 in Recipes
How do you prepare it.. never tried it .. no clue what to do with it.. but i bought it :tongue:
now please help me figure out how to eat it .. :)

and yams.. - also not that familiar with them.. ??


  • borac
    borac Posts: 174
    How do you prepare it.. never tried it .. no clue what to do with it.. but i bought it :tongue:
    now please help me figure out how to eat it .. :)

    and yams.. - also not that familiar with them.. ??
  • brookefoley
    brookefoley Posts: 104 Member
    My husband loves spaghetti squash. We cut it in half and cook it in the microwave. I have a microwave thingy I got from Tupperware like 15 years ago that I use. I put it in there in the steamer basket and put about an inch of water underneath, cover, and cook it for like 10 minutes, if I remember correctly. It is sooo yummy.
    If you don't want to do it in the microwave it would probably work fine in a regular steamer over some boiling water on the stove top.

    As for yams you can find a lot of good soup recipes that have yams, or you can cook them like a baked potato, or roast them. There are tons of good recipes online.
    Good luck!
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    For spaghetti squash, bake it for like 45 minutes on 350 or until it is soft and stringy when you touch it with a fork.

    You can microwave it too I guess, but I didn't figure that out.

    Then you used a fork to scrape out the squash, add a little sauce, and yum!

    I've only tried it once, so I'm not exactly an authority... but I didn't ruin it so that is a good sign!
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    put in shallow baking dish with some liquid and pierce it to the middle several times on different sides then bake for an hour, cut open when baked and put out squash in strings like spaghetti. Great with a little parm cheese and butter or used like pasta.

    Yams can be baked or boiled. I like them baked in the oven they are so good. This is how my G-ma cooked them so I do too- wash and dry well and pierce several times, lightly coat in margarine, butter or cooking oil, then wrap each potato in foil and bake about an hour until soft. They are so yummy even the skins!


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  • borac
    borac Posts: 174
    wow - thank you guys.. i'm looking forward to try this.. sounds so simple.. but i was aways scared of trying new things.. there's so much stuff out there in the produce deptm. that i just don't know what do do with.. don't know the names of it..

    well - dont' get me wrong I'm a really good cook, I make all my breads, pizza's, cakes etc from scratch.. i can cook, bake.. etc.. but i'm from europe and i'm not familiar with all this .. uum.. plants out there in the produce section :huh: but i guess i'll figure it out eventually

    thank you all :flowerforyou:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    On more thing- make sure you drain it well and squeeze out all excess juice before mixing with sauce or whatever you are having on it.
  • I totally understand being worried about trying new things.. I'm the same way. The other day I bought some asparagus and had no idea what to do with it! But I roasted it and it was delicious, so I'm really glad I decided to try it.

    I love yams and make them like baked potatoes and just eat them plain. Spaghetti squash I usually bake at 350F for an hour or so and then put a little butter and salt and pepper on it and chow down! Good luck.
  • Jolie30
    Jolie30 Posts: 18
    Spaghetti squash is a staple at our house. It is easy to prepare in the microwave. Just cut in half lengthwise and put the sides face down on a shallow dish (the open part) with enough water for the squash sit in. Microwave for about 4 minutes then check for doneness. Microwave for a minute at a time until the flesh shreds easily with a fork. Use it just as you would any pasta. We use it with spaghetti or alfredo. Even my non-low carbers at home eat this.
  • purplepanda
    purplepanda Posts: 30 Member
    I'm also trying new things. I saw a recipe for "french fries" using butternut squash. Cut squash in to french fries and bake at 450 degrees for approximately 20 minutes or until golden brown. Sounds yummy. we'll see...

    I've eaten sweet potatoes this way and really like them

    Another option for spaghetti squash--after cooking by any of the methods described by the various members above (for greater flavor I prefer cooking in oven rather than microwave, but I've done it both ways) use the "spaghettied" squash in a casserole with whatever other veggies you like (I usually add zucchini and mushrooms) and left over turkey or chicken (shred whatever meat is available) and a little parmesan.
  • I cook the squash in the microwave just like you have heard others saying.. Then I like to put butter and pepper and salt on it. I think it is neat the way the squash looks like spaghetti. I have also tried putting some brown sugar and cinnamon with butter and that is good to.

    There are several ways to prepare yams I like to cook them in the microwave and put butter on them.
  • borac
    borac Posts: 174
    allright everyone

    i couldn't wait to share my .. experience with you all.. OOOOOMMMMM GGGG

    i can't believe that this can taste that good.. i think i don't need the " pasta- spagheti " any more.. even my kids loooove it.. i made some sauce with onions, ground beef, salsa.. put on it some parmesan cheese.. WOW.. delish..

    I'm sooo happy to have tried this and i think it's going to be a staple in our house too !!!

    defenitely thrilled to have found a substitude to my " pasta -love !!!"

    Thanks !
  • you can also add either fresh grated ginger roots or 1/2 tsp dried pinger to the squash - it taste great. FYI you can baked any of the squash in the oven - just pierce the squash first a few times to let the steam escape. Bake at 400 for about 1 hr.

    Another great way to do yams is to cut them in slices and toss them with a bit of olive oil and cajun spices (a bit of dried garlic, cayenne pepper, chili pepper) and bake them on a cookie sheet at 325-350 for about 30 minutes.

    good luck :happy:
  • borac
    borac Posts: 174
    Thank you ..

    I just read in one of my Weight Watchers cook books.. you can slice them very thin and put in cold water for about half an hour.. with a little bit of salt and tiny bit of sugar.. they said the reason for keeping the potatoes ( even regular ones ) in the water is to give them more " crisp " when they are baked..

    and than just put them on baking sheet with whatever spices- and bake in the oven - i guess you can spray them with the no-calorie oil spray ?
    can't wait to try it ..
  • spaghetti squash is the best i also cook it in the microwave cut in half and clean out seeds an put just a little water inside cover with syran wrap and it comes out great. I add a little sauce and onions and mushrooms and sprikle with a little cheese and it is fantastic.
    The only thing i dont like this time of year is having to pay supermarket price for it so i cant wait till spring and get some in the garden for fall. It is so easy to grow and store for winter.:smile:
  • borac
    borac Posts: 174
    oh you're right i was a little shocked at the price over 7 $ for that squash i was wondering if they are sometimes cheaper than other times >. .. i can't grow nothing.. no matter what I try it never comes out of the soil.. and if it was allready grown and i transfer it - it will die for sure :ohwell:
  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    sassy mom how hard is spaghett squash to grow. I tried last year with some seeds but all I got was flowers???
  • borac
    borac Posts: 174
    joann you are ahead of me- you got flowers.. i don't get nothing :) no matter what i put in the soil - nothin' comes out .. i spent last spring some money on different seeds in the bags.. i even bought new soil etc.. NOTHING came out.. i even watered.. :huh: - so i give up on that ..
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    My husband loves spaghetti squash. We cut it in half and cook it in the microwave. I have a microwave thingy I got from Tupperware like 15 years ago that I use. I put it in there in the steamer basket and put about an inch of water underneath, cover, and cook it for like 10 minutes, if I remember correctly. It is sooo yummy.
    If you don't want to do it in the microwave it would probably work fine in a regular steamer over some boiling water on the stove top.

    As for yams you can find a lot of good soup recipes that have yams, or you can cook them like a baked potato, or roast them. There are tons of good recipes online.
    Good luck!

    I do something similar, but no special tupperware. I cut it in half, put it in a glass baking dish face down with about 1/2" of water. Cover it with plastic wrap and cook in the microwave for 13 minutes - let it sit for a few minutes after that and it'll practically fall right out of the skin!
  • PurdyMommy
    PurdyMommy Posts: 378 Member
    never even heard of Spagetti Squash but I am gonna try the F.Fries for sure! Ill look into the spagetti more....
  • robsgal
    robsgal Posts: 50 Member
    We love spagetti squash too, I usually just do it with whatever pasta sauce I'm whipping up, either homemade or from a jar. It's yummy.

    One question though, my biggest issue with spagetti squash is cutting it in half...does anyone have a trick? I'm about to go out and buy a good meat clever just for cutting the thing. I usually end up sticking a knife in it and banging it against the counter if DH isn't around.

    Thanks gang!
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