Looking for friends interested in weight lifting!

Hey everybody!

I'm Lisa, I've been working out for about 1 year now and a quarter of that year has been weight lifting. I've really been enjoying it but I find it has a way different nutritional requirement than doing Pilates and HIIT like I'm used to, so it would be cool to add some friends who are on the same journey and see what you guys eat! Feel free to hit me up or ask me any questions about my nutrition or weightlifting experience


  • mariamangipano
    mariamangipano Posts: 2 Member
    Hi lisa, I'm Maria and have started with more weight lifting too. I'm still trying to figure out the different style of eating too.
    I live the change I see but I know I could get more definition with eating diffrent.
  • chenbleebee
    chenbleebee Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Maria, what are your current macros?
  • mariamangipano
    mariamangipano Posts: 2 Member
    Ok, so you are really ahead of me. Not sure. Still trying to learn it all. When I was losing the weight I was used to cardiovascular and a very low fat diet.
    I'm seriously going to have to research this
  • AmyBelfor
    AmyBelfor Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I've recently started lifting and I love it! I can't wait to start seeing results! Add me! ☺