New to this app

hi everyone, any advice on how to properly use the app


  • Donfeao
    Donfeao Posts: 14 Member
    Yes, home page from there click the little symbol in the bottom right, from therr add food, then for example snacks or breakfast, once into that section, you can either add your own recipe, search for food or do what i do, scan a barcode!! Most easiest way to enter food, looks like a barcode on far top right, it is very accurate. From home page you can also add water intake and exercise and weight too.

    If you add for example milk to the breakfast tab, when u go to add it tomorrow it will be in the suggestion bit and instead of researching or rescanning barcode you can just select it :smile:

    Hope this helps !!

  • MikaImadime
    MikaImadime Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to this app....been using it a few weeks already it has helped me track what areas in my diet that I am having issues with that are slowing down my weight loss...One big issue I am having is high sodium. Every food that is low in carbs is high in body swells up and is retaining this water weight...does anyone know of any foods that are low in carbs, sodium, and calories??
  • amy_balchan
    amy_balchan Posts: 3 Member
    I will recommend the green glowing smoothie. This helped me loose weight in the past. Just google "green glowing smoothie" and you will find out to to make it and the variations as well