2 Weeks no Weight gone?

So for two weeks i have been working out like crazy and on a strict diet, but NO weight is gone!? What is going on? Has this happened to anyone else, i need some advice, i am getting very frustrated!


  • ngarden
    ngarden Posts: 4
    Working out like crazy has probably caused you to build up your muscles first. Don't get discouraged! You're doing great so far :smile:
  • jpaw1002
    jpaw1002 Posts: 322 Member
    if ur drinking a lot of water u could be holding in water weight. esp if u didnt drink water before and are now. if ur gym has a sona try that out, itll get rid of the water weight. if ur eatin the same things over n over again too ur body will get used to it, same with working out, try switching it up and see if that helps
  • amandaplz88
    amandaplz88 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm having the same problem. I've been going for about 25 days and I've only lost 1-1 1/2 lbs. Having gone from sedentary to running 30 minutes 3x a week, I thought something would have changed by now.
  • jennramone
    jennramone Posts: 12
    I've also been losing motivation due to lack of results...! 2 weeks is short, I'd say 4-6 weeks is a good timeframe for noticeable results, if your diet is a proper one of course! Also don't forget that muscle weighs more than fat, so you may be losing fat and gaining muscle, which keeps the number on the scale the same. Try measuring yourself!
  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    It takes months to build muscle. More likely your muscles are retaining water to repair themselves from the extra stress they've been under.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    Use a measuring tape to see whether your measurements are going down. As much as I would like to say it is muscle gain, that is much slower than people would like to believe. I do think if you have been working out like crazy you are likely retaining water. Here is a great article about it http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/200544-why-do-you-sometimes-gain-weight-when-starting-a-new-exercis
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    If your working out like crazy and on a strict diet, make sure you are eating your calories! If you arent eating enough you cant loose; you want to eat back enough excercise calories so your at least at 1200 net calories minimum.

    Also if your doing this and still platueing; everyone hits plateaus. Ive been here 3.25months (14weeks) now and in total ive been plateaud a total of 6weeks (3weeks one time, 2 weeks another, 1 week another)... dont always expect loss.
  • nickelb86
    nickelb86 Posts: 1
    Muscle weighs more than fat, and right now your body is losing fat but gaining muscle mass...so its ok for you not to see the scale move for a couple weeks! This is exactly what happened to me for 2 weeks, and then I started to see the scale dipping....hang in there!
  • fit4everyoung
    I feel the pain. I am trying to loose 10 pounds, five that I gained 2 months ago and 5 that I have never lost. Yes, it is a struggle. Keep the consistency and you will see the light through the tunnel. I understand that it is hard, but keep it going. I am a little frustrated but remaining focus. Stay strong no matter what. You are making a big change and you will soon notice the difference!

    Best regards,

  • jterry03
    jterry03 Posts: 33 Member
    So for two weeks i have been working out like crazy and on a strict diet, but NO weight is gone!? What is going on? Has this happened to anyone else, i need some advice, i am getting very frustrated!

    Me two, 8 weeks here and I gained 2 pounds....
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    That happen to me for a month and i just gave up. I wish I stuck with it though and now I am trying again. Keep going with it, don't give up. You'll definately regret it and will kick yourself in the butt like I did. I wasn't losing anything but at least mentally I felt pretty good unlike now where I feel like crap. Make sure you are eating enough calories. I think I went from eating so terrible to eating too good and my body was like WTF. This time I am trying to eat most of my excercise calories back and not restricting myself from foods that I enjoy, just watching portion control. I will not stress this time!
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    if ur drinking a lot of water u could be holding in water weight.

    You get water weight from not drinking enough water; not from drinking too much water!!! You get water weight from sodium build up from not getting enough water to be flushed out; once you flush out the excess sodium and toxins you loose weight!! Make sure to drink MORE water, not try and get rid of it in the sauna!!

    Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water a day; i weigh 273; thats 136.5oz a day= 17cups a day...
  • TinaA72
    TinaA72 Posts: 27 Member

    I am going through the exact same thing so don't get discouraged. I recently had a baby and am trying to lose those stubborn last 10 lbs and it has me so frustrated. According to MFP, this week alone I have burned like 1800 calories and my goal is set at like 900. And yet the scale does not budge. I am going to try to incorporate more interval training (short burst of fast pace followed by steadier pace exercise) into my workouts and see if that helps. It has helped me in the past to lose some weight. If you have done the same exercises for a while maybe try something different like basketball, rollerblading, biking, etc. and try to infuse some 2-3 minute fast-paced burst into it. This may be enough over time to recharge your metabolism.

    Best of Luck,
  • khicks91011
    khicks91011 Posts: 9 Member
    I would suggest a heart rate monitor...MFP is great but i believe they are a little high on the estimation of calories burned in their database for excercise. I have lost 13 lbs so far, 6 with MFP and i stalled for two weeks back in March. I went and got a HRM from target $69 that had the chest strap. When i started using that for exact calorie burn it made all the difference. There are some super expensive models too but the New Balance N4 has worked great for me, I have lost 3 more lbs since using it. The weight is coming off slow but Im just happy its coming off. Good luck to you and dont get discouraged its all good!!
  • ghoztt
    ghoztt Posts: 69 Member
    Just keep it up and keep logging your food and exercising! My first 2 weeks here I didn't lose any where, third week I lost 1 pound then each subsequent week it just got better and better. Weigh your self at the same time every day (preferably first thing in the morning) just to make sure its consistent since your body weight can fluctuate quite a bit throughout the day.
  • Riane22
    Riane22 Posts: 18
    Thank you everyone for all the encouragement! I definately will not stop, just gotta keep going!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I didn't see any results at all until week 6. From what I understand, when you go from doing NO exercise to exercising on a regular basis (and of course, eating properly / less calories) it takes your body 4-6 weeks to get used to it all and start changing.

    Make sure you keep your water intake at 6-8 glasses a day. When you weigh yourself, only do it in the morning before you eat and sans clothing. If you must weigh yourself everyday, make sure you do it at the same time everyday.

    Make sure you're doing hip and waist measurements too. This I do weeky. You won't see anything there for a bit either, but there will be times when you'll see results with the measuring tape that you won't see on the scale.

    Keep with it -- it'll happen. :smile: