Here's One For The Brits....

MattArcade Posts: 135 Member
edited January 2016 in Success Stories
It was August 2015, I'd tried dieting many times previously with little results and failed to stay committed with so much conflicting information on how to get the best results I was so confused and wanted nothing more than to be able to buy and wear the clothes that I wanted, gain more confidence and to finally figure out how to become a healthier me again. Plus i can't be single forever!

I spent so much time on this site viewing other peoples success stories, trying to hit macros and eating clean but I didn't feel like I was changing. Plus i always wanted to see the day when I could actually write a post on here and say yes I have noticed change in me and this is where I am so far.

I was 15 stone when I weighed in when I made the decision to meet with a private personal trainer who taught me everything from nutrition to the right form of exercise. From there I forgot about the word diet and made it a lifestyle change for the long term. Eating clean meals everyday enjoying the fact I could eat more and weight training and circuits 3 days a week. I don't count calories I listen to my body when I'm fuzzy or tired I eat or drink water.

I lost two stone since I started and have gained some since i've started to purely focus on weight lifting. The left hand photo was around 2012 and the right was December 2015.
I've banished the scales out of site and now take monthly/bi-monthly photos to see subtle changes in my body composition. Theres no way my clothes will be smaller but hoping that I tone up now. I have a long way to go still but again this is long term and if it takes me years then so be it theres no rush just a healthier long term ambition.

I've learnt a lot during the early stages of my journey and you can achieve the same. Results take time, there's no quick fixes and the main word is consistency.
Eat clean, workout and forget the word diet make it your daily routine with protein, carbs and good fats.

If I can do it so can you, surround yourself with positive people who strive for the same ambition.

Thanks everyone!



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