What is Your Inspiration?

Hi, I just joined MFP a few days ago with a group of coworkers. We are on a MISSION to each lose at least 10 lbs by the end of the summer! Some need to lose more, of course, but i have already lost 12 lbs on WW and then switched to MFP cause it's free. I cannot say enough about this wonderful site. I am so re-motivated. But I am having trouble filling in my INSPIRATION! I am not particularly vain, although I like to look good, and I want to be healthy too! So I am wondering, what inspires you?
p.s. everyone here seems very supportive and positive.


  • mommaG_Grandmatobe
    Turning 50 inspried me...I want to feel better and look awsome for a 50 year old. I also want to keep my husbands attention, feel sexy and desired.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    Good luck! :D I LOVE MFP!

    I am inspired by people that find time and energy to work out and eat healthy given all the challenges of daily life--- so that pretty much includes everyone! Everyone inspires me in some way!

    Feel free to add me as a friend...

    P.S. are you a Truebie? :P