Still feeling fat...

...even after losing 23 lbs. Sometimes I feel like hot stuff, but most of the time I still see my old body. I still have 15 lbs to go until I reach my goal weight and my flabby stomach makes me very self conscious!

To make matters worse, I met some of my new boyfriend's female friends, and they're all tiny - I felt like a whale in comparison :(

I know I probably feel this way because I am used to seeing myself as a chubby person, and haven't just met myself in my thinner state. I just wish I could shake this perception of myself instead of always feeling like I should go for another run or something.


  • wildeone4
    wildeone4 Posts: 204 Member
    Look at yourself in the mirror every morning and say something positive! Try to get the attitude whenever you say or think something negative say two or more thinigs that are positive! look how far you have come! and you are still working hard! as girls we always want to look "better" but we need to be okay with how we are and just keep working hard!

    btw...i saw you are from ontario! i grew up there! moved to the usa for school and got married!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Remember too that your weight isn't everything. Your boyfriend chose you, not his skinny friends. There must be a lot of great things about you that the scales can't measure. :flowerforyou:

    I noticed London, Ontario in your profile too, because my grandmother lived there for a while as a child, in the 1920s or 30s [cue 'It's a small world after all'] :happy:
  • Jayactiv
    Jayactiv Posts: 4 Member
    Something I've been doing that helps a lot is crunches. It tightens up the skin as you loose weight and by the time you reach your goal your stomach will be sexy and tight. Squats are good to.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Keep looking -- that hot chick is there!

    I have lost a similar amount of weight and just couldn't see the results. Still saw the fat me. And then one day, I realized that I had to keep pulling my pants up. I had promised myself that I would celebrate when I finally changed sizes, and I would never be one of those people who dreaded getting new clothes. But here I was -- dreading getting into that dressing room and looking at "fat me" in the awful 3-way mirror.

    Then one day, I decided to clean my closet and tried on all my pants in the full length mirror. Boy, was I surprised! I kept pulling at the waistband, like they do in the commercials. See? I've lost weight! I look good! And I'm going to look fabulous once I stop hiding behind these fat clothes.

    I haven't seen "fat me" in a couple of weeks. I'm sure that when she comes back, I'll have to try on my "big girl" pants and pull on the waistband in the mirror again -- just to convince myself that I'm no longer that girl.

    Keep looking -- skinny you is there, and even skinnier you is in the future. Look at the evidence -- look at pictures, take measurements - try on old "fat" clothes, and even better -- skinnier hot clothes! Skinny you is there, and she's fabulous!
  • geddoe
    geddoe Posts: 23
    You aren't alone!

    I have gone from 237 to 192 and I still feel just as fat as when I started sometimes.

    I am wearing clothes that were way too small for me and belts that I couldn't squeeze into the first hole are too big on the last hole now, but I still feel like I haven't changed occasionally.

    It is one of the hardest parts of getting in shape for me, because you work and work and even though you KNOW there has to be progress just based on the changes in the way your clothes fit you still feel like you aren't getting anywhere because you still feel just as fat.

    I have found the best thing to do is just to go by the things that prove you are progressing. My problem has been that when I look at myself all I look for is the fat that is still there and I can't get past that, but when I look at the scale and it says I have dropped another pound or two, that can't be refuted. When my old pile of pants that were too small turns into my pile of old pants that are too big, I can't really argue with that kind of result.

    Just keep focusing on the positives. Don't look at yourself and think, "Geez, I still see all this fat," look only at the things that prove undeniably that your effort is working!