Time to make changes

Hello everyone. I am 28 years from Rochester NY. All my life I have been confident in my appearance. I was one who loved clothes and to get dressed up nice. I had a serious obsession with heals. I had my first son and during that pregnancy I gained a whopping 90 lbs. "Guess no one told me that eating for two was a myth". I was able to loose the weight fairly quickly after the birth.

Just when I got down to my pre pregnancy weight which was 135lbs, I found out that I was expecting again. During my 2nd pregnancy I gained 50 lbs. Again after in aboutba 2 year span the weight slowly fell off without much work. I was 20 years old so my metabolism was a bit higher.

After I had my daughter, I met the love of my life. Everything was fresh and brand new so we were going out a lot to restaurants, bars, family bbqs etc... So the weight just started piling on little by little over a 4 year period. In went from 140 to 190 lbs. Just when I said it was time for a change. I found out that my fiance and I were expecting. I didn't gain nearly as much weight. I was very sick my entire pregnancy. I was induced at 35 weeks due to preeclampsia. So I was on a medication called magnesium and it had me strictly in the bed no getting up for nothing for 3 entire days. I retained so much fluids and since the entire pregnancy I could barely eat nothing I was eating everything I could while in the hospital that week.

When we came home I did make some food changes but then sometimes I would binge eat. I would start eating healthy and work out but if my partner would stop I would. & drinking was a big part of my fall back. Because when I would drink on the weekends I would indulge in bar type foods. Well the weight didn't shed a bit.

I am 215 the heaviest I have ever been and I am uncomfortable in my own skin. I use to absolutely love photos now I won't let no one take on of me not even with my kids. I'm embarrassed to go to family or friend functions and I don't want to be seen out and about.

Finally o said to myself the holidays are over its a new year and of you are unhappy you need to do something that works for you. Here I am on my 7 day streak feeling great. Do I make perfect choices no but this is definitely a start.

I'd like to wish everyone good luck on their journey.
