Oral contraceptive pill

Last month, I decided to start oral contraceptive pill to control my cycle. After i take the pill, I felt craving all the time like my stomach always empty. I enjoy eating so much, but when i already done my food i felt guilty. I'm gaining weight. How to stop eating like that how to stop my craving without stop my OCP.


  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    I bounced on and off the pill for years. I generally felt "off" the first week or two once starting it again. (Not talking about the 1st week after a period. Talking about the 1st week after I had been off the pill months/years.) I never gained or lost weight over the long term, on or off the pill, just normal weight fluctuation. Give it a little time. My guess is you will feel back to normal in a matter of days. Medicines effect people differently, though, so stay observant and stay in communication with your doctor about bothersome developments.
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    i attempted to get some advice on this last week but had no responses. I've just come off the pill after nearly 10 years, And yes, I gained weight both times I started it. The reason is for me, it made me hungrier and more to the point, more able to ignore the 'im full so i'll stop' feeling, i'd just keep going until it hurt! Now i'm off it it's so obvious, my hunger is down and I feel a bit full and stop, happily. No matter how yummy what i'm eating is! I have 3 pieces of advice for you:

    1. Weigh your food. All of it. Know how much is going in your mouth at all times.
    2. Keep healthy snacks about (carrot battons are my go to- crunchy = less hungry!)
    3. listen to your tummy. If you know you're full. stop. And eat half your meal, then stop, have a chat. Check your phone, just give your body some time to catch up on the food in it before continuing.

    I hope this is useful for you, as said above every person is different and there are also many different types of pill so what is true for me may not be for you :)

    Good luck!!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I wish I had help for OP, but I'm a rarity in that BC doesn't make me hungrier than normal.
  • kkaufman0926
    kkaufman0926 Posts: 1 Member
    focusing on my gut health has helped reduce cravings for me. Might be an option for you. Then again just because it worked for me doesn't mean it works for others.