50 Pounds to Lose for Wedding

Hi there!! Any brides to be or anyone looking to lose a lot of weight for an upcoming event?? Feel free to add me and we can support eachother along this journey! I have lost 35 pounds and need to lose another 50 for my June wedding in 2017! Let's do this ladies!!!!


  • Bella_Francesca
    Bella_Francesca Posts: 20 Member
    Also noting- I'm starting Nutrisystem this Wednesday (they have an awesome groupon)!!
  • Aim4skinnyjeans
    Aim4skinnyjeans Posts: 45 Member
    Congrats! I'm engaged too, trying to lose 50lbs for my wedding in October of this year. However, I won't be unahppy if I I lose half that. I too started Nutrisystem on Friday, January 15th. I've already lost 5 lbs this first week, which I realize probably won't continue, but it would be nice:) Yes, let's support one another on or journey to wedding bells and happiness for our success in slimness.
  • lemonartichoke
    lemonartichoke Posts: 8 Member
    I'm getting married in September and would love to lose 25 lbs by then. Could use any and all motivation!
  • cpaulino4
    cpaulino4 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey girl. I also aim to lose for the big day. The day after mystery man popped thr question i knew i had to lose some blubber. I'm 5'2 and I weigh 138 lbs. I want to lose 20 pounds. I'm in N.Y. Message/add me on here. It would be great if we could motivate each other.
  • Chrissyallin
    Chrissyallin Posts: 3 Member
    Im in! I need to lose 50 lbs so that Mr. Right can find me to pop the question! :) Please add me in. I have been going to the gym 5 days a week and counting my calories for the last 3 weeks. Lost 10 lbs so far! Im 5'5 beginning weight 275.
  • mia104
    mia104 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all

    I've recently gotten engaged and my first thought was .... EURGH I have to diet now , I don't want to look back on my wedding photos in years to come and wish i had started this journey sooner.
    Also the doctor has told me if I don't loose weight I run the risk of being diabetic which is obviously not a good thing. So I have 2 very good reasons to get my fat *kitten* into gear this year.
    I've been calorie counting for 3 weeks and so far so good but could use all the help I can get so please feel free to add me.

  • Cdowns78
    Cdowns78 Posts: 2 Member
    In the same boat here...trying to lose before wedding. Feel free to add me!
    We can do this!!
  • Phebulous
    Phebulous Posts: 3 Member
    Add me too! I'm getting married in May! Lost 11 lbs in a month. Trying to find other ways to continue feeling motivated. Would love to follow you all.
  • jaynerz
    jaynerz Posts: 31 Member
    Wedding in June! Just started MFP up again. I slowly gained back all of the weight I lost using this site when I met my fiancé, so time to get serious :). I am pretty short so you can see any weight change on me! I only really need to lose about 10-12 lbs to be comfortable, but I am very determined to get there. Feel free to friend me!! I need friends who are actually active on here hah!