What do you bring for lunch? (easy packed lunches)



  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    I have been taking salads with chicken and croutons, and smart ones pizzas. On the weekends at my other job I will get a small thing of rice from Panda for 3 dollars.
  • slammer51
    slammer51 Posts: 3
    I have found for snacks I but a little peanut butter on a rice cake with a few sticks of celery. I also will use one or two of the laughing cows and bring about 15 rice crackers which together is about 130 calories. Those are two very easy snacks. As far as lunch goes, i try to make enough dinner for a left over or take salad and add some chicken into it.
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    I usually just go with sandwiches. Cheese and salad is a favourite. Often, especially in winter, I have toasted sandwiches: cheese and tomato or egg and ham (you can put egg in raw and the toaster will cook it, if you press the bread into the base first so there's a depression to hold it in). I take fruit, raw veges, or nuts for snacks during the day, or sometimes vita-wheats or oat-cakes.

    When I want to mix it up or reduce my carbs, I'll have a boiled egg with salad instead of a sandwich, or sometimes microwave a frozen fish fillet (since I hate canned fish but feel I should eat some fish). Or heat a tin of soup, but the sodium content is awful, even in the "low salt" varieties. Dinner left-overs sometimes make good lunches, too.
  • courtneybot
    courtneybot Posts: 2 Member
    I work at Target too! I'm in a tiny store, though, and we only have 6 aisles of consumables :( My days at work look like this: I take a turkey, ham, and cheese sandwich with mustard on a sandwich thin to eat right before I clock in, fat free greek yogurt (I prefer Chobani) for my first 15 minute break, a lean cuisine pizza and either a can of tuna over lettuce with fat free dressing or tuna mixed with 1 tbsp greek yogurt and 1 tbsp reduced fat mayo for my 30 minute lunch, and a 3oz bag of 94% fat free popcorn for my last 15 minute break. This puts me right at my 1200 calorie goal. I almost always close, and I sleep until I have to get ready for work, so I eat all of my calories for the day inside the bullseye! If i work out that day I snack at home :)
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Chicken salad, whole grain bread and a piece of fruit.

    Whole wheat tortilla, refried beans, and veggies.

    Greek yogurt, granola, blueberries.

    Chicken stir-fry and brown rice.

    Last night's left overs.

    Lots of options for snacks.
  • bnjones23
    bnjones23 Posts: 86 Member
    My "go to" lunches are usually sandwiches (preferably low sodium turkey breast) with lettuce, tomato, mustard on whole grain bread and an apple and baby carrots to go with it. It fills me up for several hours.
  • megansprague
    Thanks everybody! These are really helpful!! I just need to make time to prepare them now.
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I have discovered that if you are having a sweet craving that 100 calorie pack of chips ahoy plus 60 calorie jello pudding makes an excellent snack. For lunch I normally bring turkey sandwiches, tuna sandwiches, or PB & J. Sometimes I also add a cup of pineapples or an apple.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I take one bag full of food on Monday and it covers my whole week's worth of food. I take:

    1 package of La Tortilla low carb, high fiber tortillas
    1 package of Applegate all natural turkey breast
    1 package of Applegate cheddar cheese
    A ziploc of romaine lettuce leaves
    A ziploc with a sliced tomato in it
    A ziploc of sliced onions in it.
    A tiny tupperware container of Smart Beat mayo - about 1 tbsp total
    A tiny tupperware container of spicy mustard - about 1 tbsp total
    A bottle of tabasco peppers

    Every day I make a wrap with a tortilla, mustard, mayo, 2 oz of turkey, 1 slice of cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, and some peppers on the side.

    It's a total of 227 Cal, 27 carb, 9 fat, 25 protein. You can vary the meat type (ham, salami, beef) and cheese type (jack, swiss, provolone, munster) which will slightly change the calorie count, but it's filling, cheap, nutritious and takes up very little room in the fridge.

    Note: Every day I also pack snacks for before and after lunch - greek yogurt, strawberries, hard boiled egg, baby cucumber, etc.
  • FitCoachJen
    FitCoachJen Posts: 139 Member
    I hate waiting for the microwave, so my lunches have to taste good cold.

    - A pita pocket (wheat pita cut in half & opened) stuffed with couscous, veggies (olives, tomato, greens, sprouts, peppers), protein (egg, chicken, tuna) & dressing on the side
    - Leftover veggie pizza
    - Big premade salad: a base of greens, chopped veggies (roasted, raw, it doesn't matter), protein, cheese/nuts/dressing on the side (I like to add trail mix to my salads for a crunch)
    - Salad w/ grains (couscous, quinoa, rice, farro, etc)
    - Deconstructed taco salad: rice, black beans, corn, avocado, peppers, onions, tortilla chips on the side in lieu of croutons, salsa for dressing
  • Sandbug
    Sandbug Posts: 200 Member
    I have a lunch bag that actually looks like a purse that I purchased at Target. It goes with me to work every day and always has the following main stay items in it that I may or may not eat but it's there if needed: one 3oz can tuna, mini luna bars, single serving oatmeal and some sort of fruit.
    The reason I do this is because where I work free food comes in for lunch. The free food is not on my life style plan. (It's usually from the local mexican, chinese, italian restuarant). I figure I can add my tuna to a tossed salad if this is brought in from one of the restuarants and still feel like I am eating like my co-workers.
    However, I do pack a healthy meal along with main stays in my lunch bag.
  • goldninja
    goldninja Posts: 28 Member
    This is what I brought to work with me today and I worked a 10 hour shift.

    red beans and rice with turkey sausage 1 serving
    a 100g golden delicious apple
    1 80 cal light and fit yogurt
    3 oz carrots
    1/2 bag of light butter popcorn pre-popped
    1 cup of frozen no-sugar added strawberries thawed
    some fat free cool whip

    All of this was right under 700 calories. Kept me full all day. I'm lucky that I have an opportunity to graze my lunch if time permits. Hope this helps.
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    Tonight I just made three tupperware dishes with salad and chicken strips, one that had some baby carrots in it. Then two other baby carrot containers and three cute little containers of croutons. I have a bunch of small pineapple cups that I haven't started eating yet, so that is my goal for the next three days!
  • weeze_h
    weeze_h Posts: 72
    When I'm making dinner at night time I often make the next days lunch at the same time whether it's just a little more of the dinner I'm making so I have leftovers or shoving a baked potato in the oven to heat up the next day in the micro. Good fillings for the potato are tinned baked beans, tinned sardines or mackerel, tuna, even just a salad with some mixed beans in.
    Another favourite is pasta - throw in any mixture of veg with some pesto sauce or half a tin of tinned tomatoes and that too can be heated up the next day.
    I try to have salads, sandwiches and soups along with the baked potatoes and pasta in the one week to keep variety up so I'm not having the 'same old' day in day out.
    Oh - do u have a kettle? I also make couscous straight from the packet just add boiling water. Once u get into a routine that suits u it all becomes easier :-)
  • justavoice1989
    justavoice1989 Posts: 132 Member
    im terribly picky and dont like peppers or pickles, but what i think would be easiest is tuna ( i prepare mine with very little mayo-approx 45 cal for half a tbsp, i add red wine vinegar, onion powder and garlic powder, some black pepper and enjoy^_^) or what i have also done in the past is precook about 5 chicken breasts and i take one, slice it up in strips and add to a sandwich or a salad.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I bring a side salad, some sort of protein (chicken usually) and some brown rice or couscous and a veggie. When I can, I will save leftovers from dinner and freeze or put in the fridge (depending when I will eat it) and bring for lunch.

    I like baked chicken with BBQ sauce or with salsa and some low fat cheese.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I usually bring wraps but keep the contents separate until it is time to eat and wrapping the tortilla in plastic wrap. Today I made a curry chicken salad with half a serving of crasins, half a serving of cashews, some mayo, onion, and curry powder, then topped with lettuce, it was great!
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    I have a microwave, fridge and toaster in my office and I'm lucky that I'm the only one here so I can leave stuff and not risk it getting nicked!
    I have a stash of packet cup a soups which I have at any time of day when I'm feeling hungry and it takes the edge off it. I also have a packet of dutch crispbakes (29 cals each) and some cheese triangles (29 cals each) and will have them when I'm feeling peckish too.
    I always have some fruit with me and I usually eat that for breakfast as I'm here at 7am and then I'll have an apple around 12 just before lunch which is usually a salad. I just chuck a load of salad veg in a box and bring it in everyday. I have tuna or chicken with it and then I always have a sweet treat like a weight watchers rice pudding or a sugar free jelly.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Deli-sliced Honey Turkey (Jennie O, or Sara Lee {or} pre-packaged), Blue Diamond Almonds, organic very vanilla soy milk, or organic horizon milk (in the cartons), FRUIT (all kinds: strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, etc. . .) grapes too, pb&j, celery stalks and peanut butter, "my recipe":(spinach, strawberries, grapes, balsamic vinigarette, sunflower seeds) pecans, water (flavors like crystal light pure in your water), pre-made salads, fiber one bars, SO MANY OPTIONS, I need to find more myself, lol {I've had all these as lunches b4)