Hello from Somerset - England!

Not a happy bunny this morning - the number on scales was scary! Would like friends who find weight loss very challenging and particularly struggle with sugar - I can never eat one biscuit! I look forward to sharing experiences along, what seems like, a very difficult journey!
Good luck all xx


  • Bishbosh33
    Bishbosh33 Posts: 8 Member
    I feel you! I started taking this losing weight thing seriously a week ago (I had skirt split on me at work ) so started using the app and getting back down to the gym. I wasn't expecting miracles after a week, but no movement! But I know i wasn't that good! Out socially too often, and have poor willpower! :)
  • mygalsal76
    mygalsal76 Posts: 19 Member
    I am brand new, too. Let's get started together! Add me as a friend if you like.

    -Laura from the States (Northwest Indiana).
  • MsObesityRehab
    MsObesityRehab Posts: 23 Member
    I am on day 15 and keep track of everything! I will hive support and need it too!