Water polo for beginners?

While watching the 2012 Olympics, I was fascinated by the water polo. I've played sports my entire life, including soccer, basketball, and track/cross-country, but gave up all three over the past couple of years due to body wear and tear. (I'm only 30, but prone to over-use injuries.) I love going to the gym, walking, biking, hiking, etc. Seeing water polo re-kindled the desire to play a contact sport without the pounding on the pavement/court. I'm built for it - 180 pounds, 5 feet 8 inches, muscular, and best suited for endurance sports. Plus, my husband would LOVE watching me play.

My question is whether anyone has started playing water polo as an adult? I've never played before and would love to give it a try, but am having trouble finding a league/team that would accept someone with no experience.


  • rosyjapan
    rosyjapan Posts: 1 Member
    I started playing about a year ago and I never played before. I am 44 and a lot bigger and I am thoroughly enjoying it. Make sure you find a Masters club that is welcoming for beginners.
  • serenitywsu
    serenitywsu Posts: 22 Member
    I just started about two weeks ago, as long as you have some swimming experience (from free style, treading, back stroke etc) most teams are willing to take new member's! Its such a fun aportand I love it. Even though I'm the smallest on the team the others still encourage me to play in tournaments and try offense manuvers on people. Most of the time at practice they'll reiterate what everyone already knows so having a new member isn't too big of a deal as long as you can stay afloat.