23 year old college girl flexible dieting

Hey everyone! I figured I dont really do well on diets but the whole flexible diet seems more like a lifestyle change than anything else.

I'm currently on 1300 cals and 40/30/30. Looking to go from 168 lbs to 120 lbs.


  • I'm also looking to be around 120!
  • valldda
    valldda Posts: 12 Member
    Hey ! I'm also following flexible diet ! And I'm currently reverse dieting and also eating 1300 cals. I have a big expierence with diets and now I can say that if you want to reach your goals flexible diet/IIFYM is the way to go !
  • awolfamonglilacs
    awolfamonglilacs Posts: 14 Member
    valldda wrote: »
    Hey ! I'm also following flexible diet ! And I'm currently reverse dieting and also eating 1300 cals. I have a big expierence with diets and now I can say that if you want to reach your goals flexible diet/IIFYM is the way to go !

    What's your carb/fat/pro ratio if you don't my me asking?

    I've quickly looked into reverse dieting but I'm not sure I've fully grasped the concept.
  • doublewhopper
    doublewhopper Posts: 39 Member
    50 30 20. Carb protein fat