
Has anyone any good ideas for something I can 'nibble' on - I'm diabetic so have to be careful about the content!


  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    I make mexican rollups: i use ezekial sprouted grain tortillas, low fat or neufchatel cream cheese, refried black beans and green onions.

    Spread on tortilla, roll up and slice- so yummy and filling! Also easy to bring and refrigerate at work!
  • Shaniani
    Shaniani Posts: 6
    My parents and brother are all diabetic, too. Raw veggies and popcorn are safe nibbles, as are nuts, but smaller serving sizes. They impact your blood sugar less than carbs will. Yogurt is also a favorite at our house, often used as a dip for fruits and veggies - it can be either sweet or savory.
  • lisa_milbourn
    Pop corn - thank you - I have some in the cupboard and a machine - so here goes!
  • Shaniani
    Shaniani Posts: 6
    You're welcome!