
i was doing so well, i was down to my lowest in years ( like 5 maybe ) and fitting into all my old clothes
then wham-o....i just stopped, logging, watching what i ate, i just laid down and gave up
so now i've gaining 3 lbs back that it took forever to get rid of and a couple of things are tight again

its just ****ty and i am lacking the push, drive, *kitten* kick to do it


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Everyone falls. I just had one of my worst weeks ever. I will start again.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Yes, everyone falls. Actually, it helps keeping your sanity...
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    Yep, this happened to me too. The thing is, it happened so fast! I lost 40 lbs and wanted to lose a bunch more, but after my daughter's wedding I just kinda slacked off.

    I ate whatever junk food I wanted....stop exercising,....stop caring and before I knew it I gained all those lbs back! All of them!

    SO I'm back and I've lost 10 lbs so far, but the most important thing is: I've learned a very valuable lesson.

    Good luck to you! You can do this!
  • ajfranzen77
    ajfranzen77 Posts: 118
    Like everyone has said," Everyone falls down"! You just have to brush off what happened and start again! None of us got this way because we like to exercise or eat all the right things. I think it's only natural that we have a few slips every now and then. But I also think you have to want your end result more than anything else. Give yourself mini goals and treat yourself when you hit them, like a new shirt or pants that you would not have fit in before.
    So far this week hasn't been great for me, my scale likes to go up and down by a few pounds all week, Yes I weigh myself a lot way more than I should. And I beat myself up all week over it. However I know I'm eating better than I have in years I am working out and I can play with my kids without getting tired in 5 min.

    I know that you can do this because you have already started! Good Luck and keep at it you will feel better because you did!!!
  • canucklynn
    canucklynn Posts: 9 Member
    Oh yeah, and by the way, consider this your *kitten* kick:

    No one else is going to do it for you. Repeat: "If it is to be, it is up to me."
    If you believe that you are worth the effort, then you'll put the time in. I see all the love and care you put into buying the perfect shower gift or planning someone's birthday party. Where is the self love?
    You are worth it, and it is high time you start believing it. It is also time you quit beating yourself up and quitting every time you hit a speed bump. Just don't let that bad day become a whole bad weekend. Don't let that one or three pounds become 5.
    We love you all the same, but only you have the power to change your weight, or health or drive.
    Quit whining and being a weenie. Go for a walk. Eat well. Start back today.
    Today is first day of the rest of your life. How are you going to live it??

    ps I am her sister. I get to do the tough love stuff!